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a cruel opportunity

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IT WAS CURRENTLY April 27, 2001, which meant that Kylie Parker was seven and a half, almost eight years old, and she had still never met her father.

The only things she had heard about him was that he would have rather been locked in a Prison World than be with her, which was why in 1994 he killed most of his siblings, carved out his twin's spleen, and wasn't able to get to the other set of twins who he was aiming to kill.

Kylie, just like her father, always managed to do something to make her grandfather mad, which led to her getting another beating. She hated Joshua, she hated her aunt and uncle who stood by and did nothing, she hated her grandmother, and she hated the coven.

She was a siphoner, or as Joshua liked to call her, an abomination. He always reminded her that she was good for nothing and that she was useless. Sadly, since that was engraved into her mind at such a young age, she actually believed him.

Her grandfather was always looking for a way to lock her up somewhere, preferably a prison world, and he got the perfect chance when she accidentally siphoned her grandmother to the point of death.

Kylie didn't know how to control it and didn't mean to, but this was the perfect chance for Joshua to carry out his plan to get rid of the freak. He got the rest of the coven to agree with him and send his granddaughter to the same prison world Kai was in.

He even called in Sheila Bennett, who felt bad for doing this to a poor child, but her views on killing and siphoners clouded her mind.

'If the small child killed someone she had to be dangerous,' Sheila thought while chanting, and even if she changed her mind it would be too late.

Kylie was on the ground, screaming in pain in the same place her father once was, pleading for either her aunt or uncle to help her, begging her grandfather to stop the witches, but he didn't listen. In fact, he started chanting with the coven, his voice getting louder and louder until she couldn't hear it anymore and she disappeared.

Joshua didn't care that when she would wake up she would find herself in a strange place or that Kai might try and kill the girl. Because to him, the coven always came before family.

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