𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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the meeting

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KAI PARKER felt something in the prison world shift, but couldn't pinpoint what had happened until a blinding light threw him across the room. When he got up, he looked around confusedly.

'What could that have been?' he thought, until it hit him: Someone else had just been placed in the prison world, and he was going to find out who.

He had been traveling the world, taking advantage of the situation he was in, but a few weeks ago he had moved back to his old neighborhood. He didn't move back into his house because he didn't really like it, instead he was living in the biggest house on the street where his very rich neighbors lived.

Kai was stealing all of their expensive things along with money so that when he — hopefully — got back into the real world someday, he would be rich and wouldn't have to work a day in his life because, let's face it: Kai Parker was not someone to listen to rules or the kind of person you'd want working for you or he'd not want to work for anyone.

But he was intelligent and was aware of his surroundings, especially when he had lived here literally his whole life. So he got a little suspicious when he heard some noises coming from his old house and decided to check it out, bringing his knife with him just in case he had to use it necessarily or just for fun; he was unpredictable like that.

But when he went inside his childhood home and room, he saw the thing he expected the least — a fucking child that was sleeping in his bed next to a picture of him and his twin.

A fucking child, sleeping in his bed, next to a picture of him and his twin, looking exactly like him and a lady he used to know.

A fucking child that could be his child.

Boy was he screwed.


Kylie awoke when she felt someone gently shaking her, which caused her to go into her defense mode, thinking that Joshua was waking her up and that she was just dreaming of him transporting her to a random place with no one there.

She flung her arm out wildly, and she heard someone groan in pain, which made her sit up in alarm.

Did she just punch her grandfather? Because if she did, he was going to kill her.

"You have a pretty solid punch there, kid," she heard an impressed voice say, and she couldn't help but feel as if it was almost...familiar.

"Who are you?" she looked up at the man in confusion.

"I'm Kai, who are you and what are you doing in my room?" The man — Kai — looked at her.

"I'm Kylie, and I used to sleep here. I didn't know this was your room. I'm sorry, I'll leave," She went to get up, but an arm stopped her.

"I didn't say you had to go. Now, who do you live with?" Kylie sat back down, observing Kai. She noticed that they had the same face structure and they shared the same eye color.

"I lived with my grandfather before he sent me here," She looked down sadly, remembering that he had just discarded her without any hesitation.

"Who's your grandfather? And what about your parents?" Kai asked question after question, wanting nothing more than to know if his assumptions were right.

"His name is Joshua Parker, and I don't know my parents. All I know is that my mother is dead and my father didn't want me so he left,"

"Well, my name is Kai Parker, and I'm pretty sure I'm your father. But I didn't leave you, I was sent here," He dropped the big bomb onto Kylie, not knowing what the phrase 'revealing gently' meant.

"What?" the girl whispered in disbelief. This was going to be one hell of a father-daughter reunion.


"So you were sent here too? But why?" Kylie asked her father curiously.

"Well I wasn't allowed to merge with my twin because I'm a siphoner so I killed four of my siblings, carved out my twin's spleen, and went for the two youngest but was tricked and sent here," he said shrugging, forgetting that Kylie was still a child. He only remembered when he heard her gasp, causing it to be silent for a few minutes before she spoke.

"You're an abomination too? I'm like you?" She looked up, and Kai's eyes grew wide.

Not only was she a siphoner she believed herself to be an abomination, which was no doubt Joshua's doing. He just wondered what else that cruel man told her.

"Yes you're like me, but you aren't an abomination," he said to her sternly.

"But grandfather-"

"But Joshua, is nothing more than some irrelevant shit that deserves to be stuck at the bottom of my shoe," he interrupted, and Kylie giggled.

"You said a bad word." Kai smiled.

"Yes I did, and I will teach you all of them too. You will be exactly like me," This time, it was Kylie who smiled. All she wanted was to be like her father, and now that she was with him she had the chance to do just that.

It was too bad Kai was a sociopath, not that she knew that. Maybe, just maybe, he would learn to love his daughter.

𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 | 𝔱𝔳𝔡Where stories live. Discover now