𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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thirteen years later

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IT HAD BEEN thirteen years since Kylie was sent to the prison world where she met her father, where — surprisingly — he actually learned how to love her. But she would be the only person he would ever care about; he didn't want to care about anyone else.

Kylie was now 20, and the two looked more like siblings than father and daughter. Somehow, unbeknownst to them, Kylie was able to age while Kai stayed the same age. Kylie didn't actually care and was actually relieved as she didn't want to be stuck as a child forever anyway.

"Hey dad? Do we have any more pork rinds?" Kylie yelled out, looking through the different foods that resided in their small pantry.

"No," was the short reply she got, and a burp followed after making her groan.

"Really? You ate them all? You promised you would save me a bag," she pouted when her father walked in the room. He pinched her cheeks making her scrunch up her nose and swat his hands away.

"Sorry munchkin, but I was hungry. We can go get some more now. What else are we going to do?" he promised, before they both fell to the ground and a white flash of light blurred their vision.

"What in Satan's left dick was that?" Kylie asked her father. He really did teach her every 'bad word' he knew, and he knew a lot of phrases, even coming up with a few new ones sometimes.

"That means someone else is here, in Mystic Falls," Kai smirked.

"Is that what the map says? Are supernaturals really here?" Kylie asked excitedly. Maybe they were going to finally get a chance to leave this shit-hole of a place.

"Why yes, that is what the map says. And there's a reason it's called Mystic Falls, so probably," Kai answered.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go and find us a way out of here," Kylie pulled on her father's arm and dragged him out, her craving for pork rinds long forgotten.


THE FATHER-DAUGHTER DUO had been spying on Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett for about three months now, and had learned a lot about them: They fight a lot but always make up with each other, they both can't cook, and that they both are like watching T.V. as there is never a boring moment when Kai and Kylie are spying on them.

But the most important thing they learned was that Damon was a vampire and Bonnie was a witch — a Bennett witch, which was just what they needed to get out of the prison world.

Though after a lot of research, they found out they just needed Bennett blood, and not a Bennett witch to do the spell for them, but as they didn't have magic of their own it would make it easier on them.

Kai and Kylie decided to wait and see if the two cooperated with them, and if not they would do the job themselves. And thank god for Kylie, because every morning before the two newcomers woke up, the girl remembered to sneak up to their "neighborhood" and steal all of the newspapers to make sure that they never found out the truth about what happened or who this prison world was really for.

One more thing they hated about the prison world: newspapers popping up out of nowhere. But it was worth it because it was going to get them back to the real world where they could live a normal life — hopefully.


THEIR PLAN had gone to shit — that's the summary of what happened, literally.

Kai had filled every bottle of alcohol with vervain in an attempt to get Bonnie's magic back, and got himself and Kylie tied up to a chair in the Salvatore Boarding House, which was where they were now.

"Hi?" Kylie had woken up first.

"Hi. Who are you and why were you with that psycho who tried to kill us?" Damon asked rudely, causing Kylie to get angry, which wasn't a good sign. She struggled against the ropes holding her down and the vampire tsked.

"Bonnie spelled those, you can't get out," He revealed, but his proud expression morphed into one of confusion when Kylie started to smirk. She discreetly siphoned the ropes and whispered under her breath.


She easily slipped out of the rope and waved her hand making her father wake up and his ropes gone as well.

"Cupcakes," He shot up, making Kylie snicker.

"Come on, dad. Let's go," Her comment shocked the two newcomers.

"Dad? That psycho is your dad?" Bonnie spoke up this time.

"Yes, and he's a sociopath, not a psycho," Kai muttered sarcastically, getting up and stretching.

"Oh god," Kylie put her head in her hands knowing that this plan went so wrong and they were literally going to have to either beg for Bennett blood or get in themselves which wouldn't be the better option...for Bonnie at least.

𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 | 𝔱𝔳𝔡Where stories live. Discover now