Never say goodbye

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Because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” 

- J.M Barrie

Hello my lovelies :C

Well the inevitable has happened, I find myself taking an extended leave of abscence, leaving my stories suspended in action. I need to focus on school and getting into my dream colleges and enjoying the rest of high school. 

Today I realized that I've been so caught up in Wattpad and FFN that I haven't had time to hang out with friends, try a relationship and just stop and smell the roses <3 I still have a ton of story muse left in me but I need to take a break for a little while and go soak up the sun. There's no way I'm going to be able to stop writing so while I'm away I'll be writing chapters so that when I come back, I'll have my stories all finished and ready to post. In no way am I abandoning these stories. 

My muse for writing in general has been pretty poor lately, I'm going to try and get back on wcf (even though I don't read those books anymore .-.) and maybe get back into Roleplaying a bit to work on improving my syntax, word choice and overall creativeness. There aren't many star wars roleplays around there but there really aren't many anywhere D:  If you know of any, I'd love if you could recommend some ^^

Y'all are amazing and I thank  you ahead of time for being so understanding



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