The Storyteller -chapters 1 - 3

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As the two men rode through the woods they both saw the first signs of spring bringing the promise of renewal of all things natural. But their thoughts were very different. The Duke saw the green buds on the trees as a herald of a new beginning for Wental as, at last, the rebel lords were going to accept him as Duke. For the first time in decades the country could turn to other pursuits that warfare. The warbling birds that had just returned from the warm climes promised rebirth for a country bled dry by conflict.

Colonel Raif, riding beside him, saw the buds as heralding the end of bare trees and bushes when ambushes were hard to hide during winter. He listened to the birds to hear if sudden cries of alarm suggested some threat was afoot. Always vigilant, he turned to check that the cavalry troops were close behind and in close ranks. His action was understood by his adjutant, Major Sola, who smiled to himself at Raif's behavior on a day that marked the end of decades of war. Surely this was a time that they could start to relax. He knew that the Colonel had been a soldier for over twenty years and imagined that it would be hard for the man to relax.

Once the road left the woods it wound between open fields and up a gentle ridge. The Duke and the Colonel reined their horses to a halt on the top of the ridge and looked at the peaceful landscape ahead. Although most of the fields hadn't been cultivated for the last year the farm house, some distance along the road, was occupied. Smoke was rising from the chimney, chickens were pecking in the dust, and a cow was tethered on a patch of grass nearby.

The Duke turned to his companion "I'm just beginning to realize" he said "I've been alive twenty-seven years and this is the first day in my life that the country's been at peace."

His companion grunted "Don't be too sure, my Lord. The rebels haven't sworn fealty yet and there's still time for some treachery."

The Duke sat back in his saddle and laughed "Ah my friend Colonel Raif, still true to form! Always looking on the dark side even when it's time to be happy. Here I am wanting to celebrate a victory that my father wasn't able to win and you seem to want to throw water on it all."

The colonel said nothing for a few moments while he looked at the scene ahead of them.

"It's true that we won the last battle and they are at the end of their resources but don't think that they're happy to give up."

The Duke shrugged his shoulders "Oh I know that" he said "But I've promised them that if they stop fighting they can keep their titles and their lands. That ought to satisfy them."

Colonel Raif gave a bitter laugh "After so many years of war it's not so easy for some to stop. Remember, like you, we've all grown up knowing nothing else. Some of the most aggressive and the most ambitious are not likely to welcome peace."

"You always look on the dark side" the Duke replied "I refuse to become pessimistic. I'm sure most want to stop fighting. Let's get on our way to the meeting." He clicked an order to his horse to move but Colonel Raif put a restraining hand on his reins.

"Before we get there we've got to take care of the ambush that's been prepared for us at the farm." The Colonel cautioned.

"Ambush! I can't imagine a more peaceful scene than we're looking at" exclaimed the Duke. "For once I think your fears are out of control. What makes you suggest an ambush?"

The veteran officer explained. "Two things" he replied "Firstly we haven't seen anyone come out of the farm since we arrived. Which is unusual at this time of day and, secondly, that cow is swollen with milk. She hasn't been milked in two days. No farmer would leave her in that condition. No, they've just set the peaceful scene to keep us complacent."

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