The Storyteller Part 4 chapters 10 - 12

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He reached High Tarn Farm in the early afternoon. It was hot, with little shade from the sun, so almost everybody was indoors. Both old and young enjoying a rest after the mid day meal. The only person outside was Lyrra, trying to chop wood. She was tired, sweaty and rather grumpy. Raif didn't get the enthusiastic greeting that he'd received the last two times he'd come.

"Why do people have to have hot meals when it's this warm?" was all the greeting that he got. She leaned on the axe handle panting, as she caught her breath.

Raif slipping off his horse, went over, intending to kiss her. Lyrra stepped away "Don't touch me, I'm sticky and I stink." He laughed and took the axe from her. "Why don't you go wash, change and cool down", he suggested, "I'll cut some wood for the next couple of days. Then, if you're feeling up to it we can go out for a ride."

"I don't know about a ride in this heat" she answered "but I'll definitely go and wash." She went to the farm door and then turned "Oh, and thank you" she said before disappearing.

Raif stripped off his jacket and shirt. He wondered if the coolness of her greeting on a hot day showed that she wasn't as in love with him as he'd been assuming. With a shrug he turned to splitting logs. This at least was a simple task that didn't require any heavy thinking. He set the first log on its end and split it with one blow.

Before long he had split all the logs in the nearest stack, including splitting some into smaller kindling in case the fire went out and needed to be restarted. He was starting on the second stack of wood when he heard a gasp of indrawn breath behind him.

He turned and saw Lyrra with her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth staring at him. He stared back; she'd washed, changed her clothes and brushed her hair. She really was beautiful. As she continued to look at him with her eyes wide he asked if anything was the matter.

"Those scars" she gasped "There are so many". She reached out a trembling hand and began to trace their contours on his skin.

After all his years of fighting Raif had forgotten the effect his scars might have on someone not used to seeing such marks. Besides he hadn't had any new ones in years. Fortunately his body had recovered, even though some of the wounds had been serious at the time.

"Don't worry about them" he said "They don't hurt."

"But you could have been killed" Lyrra said with a sort of choke in her voice "and then I'd have never met you." He answered, lightly enough, that she wouldn't have missed much.

She looked at him, and there were unshed tears in her eyes "But I would have" she insisted her voice trembling with emotion "I know that I'd have gone through life with the feeling that something, someone, was lacking. You have to be part of my life." She added with emphasis.

Raif dropped the axe and, taking her two hands in his, lifted them to his lips. He planted a gentle kiss on the palms. Her words held such a tone of sincerity that he forgot all his worries, all his concerns. Perhaps for the first time in his life he was totally in the present, knowing that a beautiful young woman loved him so much.

"You are the most adorable creature in the world" he whispered. "I don't know if I deserve you but, since I have you, I'm content." He stopped speaking, pulled her to him and kissed her with an intensity he had never felt before.

They didn't go for a ride. They found a bench in a corner of the yard that was, now, in the shade and sat there, side by side. Lyrra leaned her head on his shoulder and his arm was around her waist. They talked but, afterwards, neither of them could remember what they had said. They were both satisfied that what they'd said had been significant but it didn't really matter. Being together was the important thing.

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