Testament Of Sister New Devil Basara vs Leohart PART 1

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Basara Toujou

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Basara Toujou

Battle ground 

Battle ground 

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A high-speed battle between demons and humans took place in the ancient city of Lada. The sound of clashing blades could be heard from time to time, vibrating the walls of the artificial space. One was a human youngster wielding a silver demonic sword, while the other was a demon youth wielding a jet-black demonic blade – Toujou Basara and the Current Demon Lord Leohart. Both of them were as fast as wind.

Leohart was definitely stronger in terms of pure power and swordsmanship, but Basara, who was darting in front of him, was substantially faster. Leohart had fought against numerous heroes during the previous Great War, but he couldn't recall any of them being able to move at such a breakneck pace.

The current Basara's speed was much faster than when he fought against Gardo. However, his speed was still below that of Leohart's. Basara was currently chasing after Leohart, and he was struggling to keep up. Basara, on the other hand, was no longer keeping his distance from Leohart due to his speed advantage. Then Basara suddenly charged straight towards Leohart. He twisted his body in mid-air to change direction, and then sprinted towards the rooftops behind him.

Leohart prepared to swing towards the ground in a single strike, but instead performed a horizontal slash behind himself beforehand. The sound of metal pushing against metal was heard in the next instant. After Basara saw Leohart jump up, he immediately turned around for another strike, and that was why Leohhart was forced to react. He jumped up directly over Basara's head; and after a mid-air somersault, he chose to land on an adjacent rooftop. It was the crucial phenomena that had happened as a result of high-speed movement at a close distance. Toujou Basara's afterimages emerged in front of Leohart's eyes.

Leohart believed that the Moderates faction had a right to watch the battles of their own representatives, and the direction that the war would take the Demon Realm towards. He allowed the battle's broadcast to be sent towards Wildart City using magic waves. Toujou Jin took a nap in a hammock while a pocket-sized book sat on top of his face as a sleeping mask. Fio, a teenage soldier from the Current Demon Lord group, approached him after being taken here by him and inquired in amazement.

Jin's father, Fio, asked Jin if he was going to watch his son's battle with Leohart-sama. Jin said "No", before removing the book from his face to say "It's already gotten to this stage, so there's no need to watch it any further" Fio then continued to say "You can at least worry about your son a bit, can't you? What other reason do you have not to go?" Jin then replied "Because I've already done what I needed to do."

"Can your kid beat Leohart-sama?" Fio questioned her son Jin. Jin shrugged as he stated that his son's prospects of winning were little to none. Fio then asked her father if he hoped for her son to win. Jin said "Of course, as a parent, I'd like to see my beloved kid win........... We wouldn't have to work so hard if it were that simple. Basara's odds of beating him are approximately 20% at most."

The Current Demon Lord faction of the Demon Lord, Leohart, met with Basara for the first time since his death. The pair clashed over a bottle of perfume that Basara had asked Lars to obtain. Basara was able to create afterimages by increasing his speed and decelerating at the same time. He then put on the perfume for the sole purpose of misleading Leohart to understand Basara's location by executing high-speed moves and emergency stops while wearing copious amounts of perfume, he had transformed himself into something resembling human incense.

The Current Demon Lord faction was tasked with preparing the scent that Basara had requested Lars procure following Zolgear's death. The scent was also tempting and distracting to Leohart, who couldn't smell it on Mio's body at the outset of the struggle. When he faced Basara, Leoharts' speed slowed and his strikes were of poor quality. Basara requested for the perfume the day before yesterday, and he vanished late last night. Leohart had intended to carry out this plan from the start, and had decided to use the scent against Basara. He was able to sustain his top speed, but it was improbable that he would be able to do so for long. Basara was thrown backwards by the Demon Lord's tremendous attack.

Leohart, the Demon Lord, was defeated by Basara in a fight for the throne of Faeroe. Basara had planned to use the perfume on Leohart from the start, and used it to create a tempest that would send him flying through the air. Leohart unleashed a single pure strike on Basara after his afterimages had dissipated. Leohart's ruthless strike had instantly sent the opponent in front of him flying through the air. He was sent flying towards the tall and distant twin towers. "Gaaaaaaarrrgghh—kuh!" he shouted as he was flung into the sky by the force of the strike.

Basara was travelling to the twin towers of Brynhildr when he was knocked into the air by a powerful gust of wind. He tried to slow down, but the stone floor was too hard and all he left on it were scratches. After trying to stop his momentum over a dozen metres, he finally succeeded in stalling his momentum amidst the wreck of a number of tables and chairs. Basara's condition worsened when he tried to get back on the bike and over-exerted himself in trying to brake. He said: "Hah, hah...kuh—!" as he stood up from the floor and shouted into the dark.

Toujou Basara's abdominal wound was received when he alone performed a 'preparation' for this decisive battle. He had used the perfume to mask the smell of his blood; given how many times he was in close-quarters combat, it was clear that someone of Leohart's level could detect that something was wrong with him. When Basara hastily tried to think of his next strategy, he heard a loud and blunt metallic noise, which lingered in the air. The scene outside the window was turning on an oblique angle...which meant that the sound from earlier was the sound of the tower's walls being cut apart. Several storeys below that had collapsed, and the section above which had lost its support had begun to slide.

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