Basara vs Leohart Part 2

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Basara and Leohart were trapped in a three-dimensional world when their battle shifted from a flat plane to a -dimensional space. Basara was the first to try breaking out of the current situation; he dispelled Brynhildr halfway through a clash and then summoned it again, using a quick-draw sword technique as he distorted dimensional boundaries. However, his aim was not to destroy the weapon, but to destroy Leohart's demonic sword Loki. When their blades crossed, the phenomenon that was to happen sooner or later occurred.

Leohart blocked Basara's [Dimensional Slash] by restricting the movement of his arm before he started to use it. He then released and re-summoned his demonic sword to cause a dimensional disruption to interfere with the technique. Basara's legs crashed through the wall as a result of being knocked down by Leohart's sword swing. By the end of the swing, Basara's entire body had been knocked down towards the bottom of the falling tower. He was still roughly a hundred metres from the ground so if he fell from this height, it would surely mean death.

Toujou Basara is one of the two trump cards that Jin had entrusted to Basara. Basara unleashed a destructive wave that spread out in the shape of a fan, instantly turning the upper section of the tower that was falling down on him into rubble. After a single breath, Basara lifted his head with a solid sense of confidence, only to see Leohart holding Loki at his waistline as it was wrapped in a dark luminance. Leohart's black torrent was so powerful that it almost knocked away Brynhildr while it was being gripped with both hands, forcing Basara to double the strength he was putting into his arms. Even though the bleeding from his abdomen was so severe that it seemed as though a blood vessel had burst — he still swung with all his might. He unleashed [Banishing Shift] and disarmed Leohart of his black torrent. After he had painstakingly dispelled the torrent, a voice suddenly came from in front "I've also heard about your elimination ability."

Toujou Basara's body would no longer listen to himself and he couldn't give up. Jin was the father that Basara was proud of, and it was possible that he could solve the various problems in the Demon Realm. He still had people that he cherished waiting for him, and he still had promises to keep. So — Toujou played his last card in that moment when he asked Sheera to prepare medicine for him. Basara, a young boy from Brynhildr, swallowed a tablet of magic which went through his oesophagus and was fully absorbed by his body. The tablet containing magic was immediately decomposed after going through his mouth and he was only ten or so metres from the ground when he uttered "Rampage"

Leohart thought that Basara was a respectable opponent, and even if he was an enemy, he didn't want to see him fall to his death or be reduced to a figure that no longer seemed human. The violent shockwave and sudden attack that came from below caused him to take a deep breath. Leohart then began to focus on the next battle in his mind as he fought for his life.

Leohart could not help but be astonished as he glanced down from the connecting corridor towards the earth. Basara not only survived a fall from that height, but he stood upright and looked back, his entire body engulfed in a searing crimson glow. Leohart's aura had the same colour as the former Demon Lord Wilbert, who was considered as the strongest Demon Lord in history. It was also the strength that Leohart had always sought in order to conquer and unite the Demon Realm. Basara was allowed to enter Lada's old capital because he employed the power of [Banishing Shift] to break past the barrier. Leohart returned to his body after being taken aback by the colour of Basara's aura and noticing the other alterations in Basara. His entire body was clad in black combat armour resembling Leohart's, and Brynhildr in his hand had changed shape like a Valkyrie spreading its wings. The length of the sword had nearly quadrupled, and it had changed into an awakened form, as if its self-defence instincts had been totally released.

Leohart's entire body was paralysed by the force of the gravitational surge. The muscles in his entire body distorted unnaturally, and his bones made creaking sounds as if they were wailing in pain. Basara looked down at him with a cold and merciless stare while he once again swung Brynhildr down with his right hand. Leohart had no choice but to drop his guard when he realised that he had underestimated Basara. If Riara had come to save Leohart, she would have stood between Basara and him to protect him from Basara's attack.

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