Chaos vs Basara, Leohart & Mio

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Toujou Basara was desperate to make it to Mio's side, so he dispelled the demonic sword and instantly accelerated. As he directed all of his energy into his legs, he became like the wind, there was barely any sound as he ran across the side of the buildings; he ran upwards diagonally across the flat walls of the grid of buildings one after the other. At the same time that he cried out her name, the girl at the far edge of his vision responded with an action. She released offensive magic towards Chaos as it approached from just below her.

Naruse Mio's magic was lightning magic. She released a plasma ball that discharged electricity towards the rapidly approaching Chaos. The explosion of the plasma ball erupted with a thunderous boom, dying everything around it a dazzling white. Mio had closed her eyes before the detonation to protect her sight, and she jumped sideways to get away from Chaos amidst the blinding white light. She didn't know what state she was in, she only knew that she was falling.

Naruse Mio's heart became elated for a moment, and she hugged onto Basara tightly. The Demon God Chaos noticed that the girl who should have been a sacrifice had escaped. It then looked over to see Basara and Mio who had landed on the road a short distance away. But Basara was holding the girl with both hands, so he couldn't move his arms.

Toujou Basara, Mio and Leohart had been marked as sacrifices by the Demon God Chaos. They were standing in front of Ramsas, a red-haired demon with a sharp gaze, when he suddenly faltered and fell to the ground. The three people rushed over to support him, but they could not summon their weapons in time. Ramsas' gravity magic barrier had succeeded in suppressing Chaos, causing it to remain in the same place. Toujou Basara and Mio moved forward to support him, Leohart also followed to meet together with them. After fighting against Chaos until now, they still had not found any means of restraining it, causing Mio to reluctantly say that. But then — "No, but there is one now," he said, "Gravity-based attacks may be able to seal it into another dimension."

Toujou Basara recalled how when Wilbert's power went out of control in Mio's body, it formed something like a black hole. If they could recreate that kind of black hole again to absorb Chaos, then it was likely possible to seal it into another dimension. Basara explained his battle plan to everyone present. After listening to the explanation, Leohart and Ramsas nodded with acceptance. After Leohart lifted Loki and responded to Basara, Basara continued to move forward by himself — towards Chaos. After he was a sufficient distance away from Mio and the others, he lowered his stance and concentrated — it was the stance for an all-conquering Dimensional Slash. By using [Banishing Shift] at the same time as his Dimensional slash, even if he could not entirely eliminate his opponent, he would be able to significantly enhance its power. In this state where his concentration was at its maximum, even all noise in his ears had been blocked out.

Naruse Mio, Toujou Basara and the Demon God, were in a battle with Chaos. After she heard Basara's cry, Mio had already completed her preparations to activate her gravity magic. She then made a fatal mistake when she tried to move her body towards the side of Chaos' body as if she was changing its position. This caused a black hole to form around her, which burst into a huge cloud of water. The moment came when Mio's consciousness began to blur after she put forth all her strength, something happened.

The Demon Lord Leohart was able to prevent Chaos from escaping after Mio's gravity magic and Basara's gravity wave were unleashed into the dimensional gap. After cutting off Chaos' right arm, Basara ran from the area in front of Chaos to its back so that he would essentially swap front and rear positions. The Demon Lord then poured all his strength into the magic circuit of Loki while in mid-air. He then released another gravity wave from behind it, which impacted with Mio's gravity magic to spawn an even more powerful vortex of gravity, limiting Chaos' means of escape.

Despite the fact that the flawless execution in front of his eyes had left him speechless, Leohart carried out his responsibilities without hesitation."

Sleep forever in the spatial chasm, Ancient Demon God!"

Leohart brought Loki down with the help of Ramsas and Toujou Basara. Mio's black hole twisted beyond the critical point, and instantly collapsed because it was unable to sustain the mass. The spinning vortex of air and magic didn't dissipated and space didn't returned to normal.

The spinning vortex of air and magic didn't dissipate and space didn't return to normal. Chaos is a Demon God above that of the Demon Lord hailed as being the King of all the Heroic Spirits. He is trying to crawl out, and tries to rip and tear the closing vortex. Still, the power of black hole exceeded that of the Demon God. The gate or vortex is gradually losing its power. He is trying to crawl out, and tries to rip and tear the closing vortex. Still, the power of black hole exceeded that of the Demon God. The gate or vortex is gradually losing its power.

But at the moment, the face of the Demon God A brave man floating in front of the Demon God's line of sight! With the skill "Flying", Basara is waiting with his sword in front of the Vortex or gate that floats in the air! and say that "I thought a demon god like him would naturally do this much." and wrapped in greenish aura and goes for stab that pierces the chest of the Demon God is thrust into the chest of the Demon God .However, it sounds like metal and metal are stuck together! After all, you can't kill the Demon God's body without overwhelming power. Still, Basara tries to push the Demon god back into the gate by force to seal him away for eternity. Instead of pushing it in, the Demon god crawls further and slams one of his six arms into Basara's abdomen! Basara blows away with overwhelming speed and power that cannot be defended. Basara managed to stay and get in shape, but he vomited violently from his mouth.

The three shouts, but Basara wipes the blood in his mouth with his arm and immediately resumes flight. Prioritize the containment of the Demon God in the gate over the healing of injured wounds.

Basara forcefully ties use his bloodline power which he inherited from his mothers. Slashing with a continuous sword that rains like rain begins. However, the Demon God who devotes all his energy to getting out of the gate without defending it. Immediately after the sword touches the Demon God, countless lacerations are carved on the Demon God's upper body with the sound of tearing the flesh!

the fighting scene

He took some time to perform Banishing Shift Annihilation The striking of the whole body that harbour's light reaches the demon. Immediately after that, the jarring sound of crushing the skull and the cry of the Demon God broke into the dark space. And ... the gate was closed with a heavy noise, exhaling disability.

Basara says "No, I did ...! The gate closed ...!" 

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