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Melaina walked towards her usual table and sat in between Beth and Yolanda while Josie sat beside Courtney.

"Have you seen Rick?" Beth asked the girl beside her.

"Nope last time I saw him was in Math and then he got into an argument with that new teacher." The girl answered.

"What? You think it's cool to have your parents in prison?" Artemis said as she walked with the hockey team, catching the attention of their whole table.

"Come on Artemis. That's not what I meant." One of the boys replied.

"It is. Scared the hell out of the other team." The clueless girl said. "It was a total frame job for some Bonnie and Clyde robberies way before I was even born. Some one set them up." The girl added before locking eyes with Courtney.

"Court." Melaina started knowing what she was about to do.

The moment Artemis took a step forward with her hockey stick Courtney practically jumped out of her seat, took the stick and flipped Artemis making her slam onto her back before pointing the end of it at her neck.

"What the hell are you doing Whitmore?" The girl yelled as she slapped away the end of the stick and stood up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Courtney responded harshly as she stepped towards her with the said stick.

"I was giving Jerome his stick back you blonde pinhead." Artemis replied as she grabbed the stick and handed it to the boy who Melaina hadn't really noticed.

By now the group at the table had stood up and watched Artemis march away right before the new principle came and took Courtney away.

"A normal day in Blue Valley I guess." Melaina muttered as she ate her chicken salad but she felt eyes on her so she looked up to see Josephine glaring. "We're you going to say something Josephine?"

"Nope not at all Melaina, not at all." The girl quickly responded.

"So, Melaina are you excited for your trip tomorrow?" Beth asked trying to ease the tension.

"Nope because for the first time in ten years we aren't going." She quickly replied.


After the very last class Melaina went to her locker to get her things. She had been there for a few minutes and was finishing up. The last part she had to do was take down the pictures behind her door.

The girl hadn't actually paid proper attention to them recently. As she took most of them down she reached the last one, which was of a 9 year old Melaina and Josephine smiling their teeth out.

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