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It had been a few days since Josie escaped or well took back the control of her body.

Since then she managed to sneak into her childhood home and take her fathers wand. She had been staying with Molly.

The older witch was back on her feet and better than ever. Josie on the other hand, due to taking back her body was left without any powers. The wand only amplified the magical genetics that were left in her DNA.

During those days she'd been gathering her strength and practicing her spells and trying to find something specific to help Melaina.

She'd been getting extremely frustrated because she couldn't find the specifics that could work. Black ink stains her hands as she wipes away a few beads of sweat and lets out a yawn.

Molly insists that she takes a break and get some fresh air, Josie keeps disagreeing and throwing herself back into the hunt for the perfect spell.


The sounds of a stable heartbeat on the monitor can be heard as you enter her hospital room. Many tubes stuck in her body as her chest moves up and down gently. Eyes closed, as they have been for the past few days. A brace around her neck.

Her hands being gently stroked and played with by none other than the boy she'd been lying to for months.

He traces circles in her palm, hoping that she'd react the way she did a few hours ago, when her fingers twitched slightly. She knew he was there, Cameron swore he almost started crying when he felt the slight movement.

He remembers it as clear as day. The moment he heard about her 'accident,' he had decided to surprise her with a picnic but didn't expect to see all of her family run out of the house.

Next thing he knew he was driving behind them just in time to see her being taken to ICU. Covered in blood. What accident could've caused this.

Things weren't adding up, Cameron had noticed this for quite sometime now but he  ignored it, but now, his girlfriend had been involved in some freak and clearly life threatening accident that couldn't have been caused by a car.

But he decided to keep all questions to himself until she was awake and healthy. 

Although he'd been here for a few hours and he never wanted to leave, his grandparents asked him to come home for a few hours to rest.

"I'll be back later baby." Cameron says before kissing the top of the unconscious girls hand.

He places the hand back onto the bed. He stands up and kisses her forehead. As he backs away towards the door he turns back to her. "Please wake up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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