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"What do you mean ' there's a darkness in Blue Valley?" Melaina asked as she put the cat onto her bed making it jump back into her arms. "You know what I don't want to know right now. I just had a horrible night so we'll talk in the morning."

"It is the morning." The boy teased.

"You know what I mean." She spat before picking up the cat. "Now take your car and come back at a decent hour. Blue Valley won't be in shambles by 9AM."

The boy took the cat before letting out a sigh. "Yeah it's a little 'late' but meet us at Marty's at 10AM latest."

Within moments the same purple and blue smoke from earlier appeared, swarmed around the two before they disappeared.

"It hasn't even been six hours." The girl groaned before moving the tech to her desk.

She rubbed her eyes before letting out a yawn and walking over to her bed. As she pulled the covers away she saw the same cat she gave to the strange boy that was in her room.

"The hell?" She whisper yelled as the cat slept. "I'm to tired to move you so you'll stay the night. But tomorrow you go. Capeesh?"

The cat simply switched the sides it was lying on so the curly haired girl took that as a yes. She got into bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders before feeling the cat snuggle up to her. She froze in shock for a moment but then felt an overwhelming feeling of comfort come from this feline and in moments she was fast asleep.


For the first time in days. No. Months, Melaina slept properly. No nightmares, no waking up in a pool of sweat or late nights because she couldn't sleep.

When she awoke she still felt the cat snuggled against her chest and she wasn't bothered at all.

After getting ready for the day the girl headed downstairs to see her younger sister eating a bowl of cereal while sitting on one of the bar stools.

She looked up and noticed her come in. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Good morning kiddo."

"I noticed you slept well last night."

Melaina went to the fridge and pulled out a breakfast burrito. "Yeah I guess I did."

"That's good...cool...cool...cool."

Those words made Melaina turn to her sister. "Hestia, you only reference Jake Peralta when something is bothering you. So what's happening?"

"Did you leave the JSA?" The curly haired girl froze, took a deep breath and put the burrito on a plate and into the microwave.

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