Chapter 5

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The next day when we arrive at the club, I see Keller at one of the other buildings on the other side of the street.

Good. Spares me a phone call.

Nico and I walk over there while Isaac and Aiden wait by the car.

"Keller," I say when he's just about to step into the building.

He's about dad's age, but looks way older. His comb over doesn't make it any better either.

"M-Mr. Amoretto," he says a little nervously. "What can I do for you?"

"That red brick building over there," I say, pointing at it. "That's yours, right?"


"Who lives in the basement?"

"There's no one living in the basement," he says, smiling nervously, but anyone could tell that he's lying.

"Don't lie to me, Keller. You know that I don't take kindly to people lying to me."

"I don't. It's just storage and stuff," he says, fiddling with his keys.

I nod at Nico who steps closer to him with his fists clenched, making him back up and gulp. Nico takes a hold of his collar and pulls his fist back to hit him.

"Ok, ok, stop! I'll tell you," he says scared and holds his hands up to cover his face.

Nico puts his fist down and steps to the side.

Keller sighs. "I got paid not to tell anyone, ok. There is just a storage room there. I didn't lie about that. This girl came and asked me if she could live there for a while. That was about a month ago. She said that she just needed a bed and a toilet. There's a small bathroom down there, but no shower or anything. I told her that she couldn't live in a basement and that I had an apartment she could rent, but she didn't want to, she wanted the basement. She paid me $5000 to keep quiet and she only pays $100 a month in rent. I got her a bed and some lamps and stuff. I felt bad for her, but she was dead set on living there."

"What's her name?"

"She didn't want to tell me. She pays me cash every month. I think she's hiding from someone." His face falls a bit, then he looks at me. "S-she's not hiding from you, is she?"

I chuckle sarcastically. "Do you think that she would live across from my club if she was hiding from me? And I don't go around and threaten women."

He relaxes a bit. "The only thing I know is that she works at some restaurant during the days and she's always gone in the evenings too. I don't know where she's at then. I never asked her much since she wants to be anonymous."

"Do you know which restaurant?"

"I think it's Rosalie's. Not far from your gym."

"Yeah, I know where it is."

"Can I go now? I have an apartment to get ready before some buyers come here."

"You can go," I tell him and Nico and I walk back to the club again.

Empire is packed again and we're sitting in the VIP-area. Nico, Isaac and Aiden are sitting with a girl in their lap. I'm sitting with my arms crossed over my chest and my leg bouncing up and down. Two girls are sitting awkwardly on each side of me, but I don't give them any attention. I'm too focused on green-eyed girl. It's 12.15 am and she'll soon walk by again. I can't just ask her who she is and who she's hiding from. That would probably scare her. The only thing I can do to is to stalk her since I don't know her name, which is creepy, but what the hell am I supposed to do? If she's in trouble, I want to help her.

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