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As the sun set and the village you approached got closer, you could thoroughly see how beautiful it was. It was darker now, and the village was even more appealing, torches and lamps keeping the village bright and flashy. Your eyes widened, gasping as you took in the sight. You swiveled your head towards Ranboo, your companion also entranced by the dazzling lights, its reflection glistening in his multicolored eyes.

The both of you stood outside the outer edge of the city. The bustling of the city croud going thorough your ears. Each and every house had a warm soft glow, and the familiar smell of cooking chicken and soup could be smelled throught the city, with the company of something also sweet and delicate. The air was warm and the usn beat down gently on the city. Majourity people who appeared to be living there coild be seen talking while small children laughed and played around. To be honest, it made you a bit nervous seeing as These people tried to hunt you down.

Though they seemed so kind hearted and nice. You took a small step back, as a swirling pit of anxiety brewed itself in your stomach. Your eyebrow knitting on concern of what they might think, or if theyd recognize you at all. You would sure hope not. So many things could go wrong if you allowed such a thing to happen. Maybe you could suggest ranboo to do what he needs in the village and you could wait on the outside. It seemed like the safest option, plus hes done this plenty of times. Dont want to screw up.

You were anout to take another step back before Ranboo gently grabbed your hand and looked down at you. "Hey...dont worry about it all right? Im going to be right here with you. you will be okay" Said boy tossed you a beaming smile that only he could pull off with his boyish charm. He somehow always knew what to say, although it didnt fully quell your unsettled nerves. That didnt stop you from nodding and holding his hand a bit tighter. Nodding back at you the two of you walked through the village hand in hand looking around at it.

The stunning lanterns that hung from thin lines of string ilumminated small traces of light. Something you would assume is better looking in the dark. Children were running around and zooming past with sticks and joyous laughter in their wake. Plenty of others were happily chatting together and could be seen hugging and smiling. Coupd these really be the same people that wanted you dead? The same people that made up those god awful rumors? It almost felt sureeal, these people looked so nice and kind. Its hard to belive that they were that capable of hate.

Continuing to walk suddenly a delectable smell caught your nose which made your stomach rumble. Sniffing a bit you turnes to your right and your eyes widened in surprise. In a glass window on small plates,multiple different arranged foods were placed, triangle shaped ones that had strawberries and this fluffy looking stuff, a circle shaped one with small little rainbow circles on it, even one with paper on the outside and a colorful swirl on top theh all smelled so sweet and delectable. Feeling your arms get taught Ranboo stopped and walked over. "What is it?"

You pointed at the window to the aranged foods. "What are those..? They smell so good..." you asked as you stared at them in awe. Ranboo looked in the window himself and an audible growl came from his stomach which caused you to stifle a giggle as he hugged his stomach sheepishly. "Well uhh, they are pastries, or desserts, they are like i guess sweet foods, im sure you would like them!" He said as he gazed at them as well. A small smile made its wa to your face as you looked up at him. "Will we be able to get them?"

At this ranboos face turned grim as he looked to the side in dismay. "I want to say yes, i really really do...but...we dont have any money to buy them and well...im sorry.." he bowed his head in dismay as he continued. "I really didnt even think of it but, without the money we need we cant really get a lot of the things we may want or need." He seemed to really stress over this as he kept mummering apologies. "Hey, hey Ranboo...its okay! Really, i dont HAVE to have it. If its a dessert than i dont need it. Im sure we can get food some other way so dont sweat it." Ranboo could only look at you with an un readable expression as he smiled, about to say something when someone spoke up to you both.

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