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 You could only stare up in awe at the sight of their home. It was huge, accompanied with a small fence on the side of the house having lots of...potatoes? growing in them. The wood was made up of a beautiful spruce, the logs on the side giving it a nice homey feel, a few lanterns hung from some of the shutters, plenty of hounds were roaming around too, most stopping to get a look at the newcomers. Most sniffed at you and brushed against you. Smiling, you bent down on your knee and petted a few, to which a lot of them rolled over and began to lick your face. You happily pet behind their ears and hugged them watching them bark in joy.

To be honest you kind of forgot about the two boys that brought you here in the first place, if it wasn't for him suddenly speaking up. "Oh those are Technos dogs, they aren't usually nice to people but they seem to like you...Speaking of I'll go get my dad and we can ask if you can stay over for dinner." The blonde haired boy ran in starting to yell with his wings fluttering behind him. "OI CROW FATHER! WIL! BIG T! GET DOWN HERE WE GOT SOME PEOPLE WE WANT YOU TO MEET." To which the goat boy let out such a deep and annoyed sigh. "He's so loud sometimes, please don't mind him"

You could only watch as a few men pooled out of the house. Of course ne being Tommy, Another sported, a yellow jumper with black pants, a burgundy hat much like the color of your jacket, sat atop a full head of fluffy, curly, locks, his face having a set of round circle shaped glasses, and the most interesting part being the two aqua blue fins that were on the sides of his head. They were a beautiful blue with a few tears, yet it somehow made it feel more majestic. Perhaps he was part fish? The next man to come out was a man with dirty blonde hair that fell around his face in a beautiful way, framing his wise, baby blue eyes, and his kind smile. Atop his head sat a green and white striped hat with a few jewels hanging from the rim of it, he had on a black robe with a dark green outfit under with an intricate pattern on it.

The next one shocked you the most, making you shudder under his gaze. A pink haired man with a long full braid, red eyes, mixed in with a golden gaze, he had a stern face and a tall structure, he wore a fitted black, sleeveless shirt, that showed off his muscles. He had scars littering his arms and one that dragged across the bridge of his nose, and one over his left eye. His pants were baggy, kind of like a ninja and had a pair of pink hooves on his feet. His ears pointed and adorned with gold jewelry. And he had sharp fangs protruding from his teeth. He stared down at you, watching as the dogs that licked your face, cuddled up to you in a pile. Intimidated by his stare, you quickly got up and stood a bit behind Ranboo, averting your gaze to the ground as you held his arm. Only slightly peeing out to still see them. "Dad meet Randbow and y/x" the Man with deep shining blue eyes and gazed over at you both and gave a well warmed smile. That was until the goat boy hit Tommy again. "TUBBO WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, SHOVE OFF" The winged boy pushed Tubbo back. "You butchered their names Tommy! It's Ranboo and y/n" He argued, pushing The winged boy back with even more force. At the sound of your name you perked up but stepped back in fear of getting in the way of their little brawl.

Though the fight was quickly ended by the green hatted man as he pulled them apart. "Now now boy, we have guests over, get a hold of yourselves..I deeply apologize to you two for the trouble these two boys might have caused. The names Philza, it's a pleasure to meet you, behind me is Wilbur and Technoblade." He held out his hand which was covered in many different types of gold and silver rings, along with bracelets. One in particular stood out to you the most. The Ring on his first finer was gold, and encased a shiny sparkling emerald that gleamed back at you with mystery. Your eyed his hand confused as to what he needed. Looking at Ranboo you watched him shake his hand. "Yes um...hi...My name is Ranoo..and this is y/n...but uhhh, im sure you already knew that. Though they didn't cause us any trouble at all...they erm.. actually saved us from these two kids trying to pick a fight, so we are quite grateful."

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