Chapter 4

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It was 9:30 am and I started to woke up and I saw Nick sleeping. He so cute when he sleep and he snores too. I got up from bed gently that I didn't want to wake up Nick and I went to the bathroom and took shower and wash my face and brush my teeth. I changed into my pink Hawaii tank top with white shorts and pink flip flops. I did my hair in nice pony tail and I did waterproof makeup. When I got out I saw Nick still sleeping and I jump in bed and he rolled himself out of bed."Hey not cool and I will get back at you." He said in his sarcastic voice.
"Ohhh I'm so scare." I said in my sarcastic voice and he went to get change and he came out shirtless and then he came hugged me and he was strong. He lean in and we kissed and we stop."go put a shirt on. I don't want any girls seeing you shirtless" I grin "why you get jealous? Beside you my girl , my angel and I don't want anything to happen to us." He smiled and kissed my forehead. We walked out and went downstairs to eat. I saw the whole gang and I was pretty happy with the girls they all were taken with the boyz. Nick pulled a seat like gentlemen and I sat down and he sat by me and I ate eggs with bacon and home fries with orange juice. Then we all finished and went back to the hotel.

Nick Pov's
I had something special planned for Heather and I want to be perfect. So, the gang and I went back to the hotel, the girls went our suite and I went to Mikey suite to talk about tonight." So, I'm so nervous for tonight and I'm scare if she doesn't like it." I said with nervous. " Bro, don't worry about it and we got til 6:00 pm. She will like it and she will be happy." Mikey said to me to be calmed. The boys help me to get everything ready. I call the limo place to rent a limo for tonight. Well it was 3:45 pm and I started to get ready. I put on white button up and down shirt and black pants with black shoes and Black tie. I went back to the bathroom and sprayed cologne and fixed my hair. It's was 5:25 pm and I went down stairs and I bought bouquet of roses and I sent text message to Heather
"Hey Babe I'm downstairs and ready for our date😊"

Heather Pov's
Nick and I are going out tonight and he sent me a message.
"Hey dressed up nice for tonight"
The girls came to my suite and Nick went to the boyz suite. The girls helped me to get ready and what to wear. I took a shower and I did my makeup natural look and I curled my hair. I put on my blue halter dress with silver beading and my silver high heels. I grabbed my purse and my phone and took a picture and posted on Twitter.
#Glamorous I'm So Ready for Tonight
I said Goodbye to all the girls and went downstairs. When I got down to the lobby to meet Nick. I saw him standing with bouquet of Roses and staring at me with smiled. I walked to him." you look absolutely stunning and gorgeous" he said and I blushed "thank you and you look handsome" he gave me the roses and my hand went to outside. When we got out and I saw the limo, I was shocked and I smiled. We went inside and there were rose petals on the floor. "OMG! Nick this is so beautiful" he blushed and I give him a kiss. He grab some drinks and we toast and the phone rings."Hello.... Oh okay.....ok... Thanks" Nick hangs up and the limo stopped and I guess we were here. Nick got out and I grabbed my purse and the limo driver open the door and Nick reached my hand and we went inside to this fancy restaurant. " reservation for two" and the hosted nodded and show us upstairs and it was beautiful and there were rose petals on the ground and Nick pulled my seat and I sat down and he sat too. The waiter came and she was around our age and she has brown hair and ombré it and she wore a lot makeup that made her look old." What can I get you all for drinks?" "I will have pink lemonade" I said " I will have Dr. pepper" " ok are you ready to order?" We nodded at her and she couldn't get her eyes off Nick." I will have steak with mash potatoes and salad on the side." He said with grin and she blushed. "And  I will have grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and salad side, thank you" she rolled her eyes when I said that and smiled at Nick, I felt kinda jealous because she was prettier than me and Nick saw I was kinda upset. " Don't worry! Don't get Jealous? I have the most beautiful and sweetest girlfriend ever and you mean the world to me." I blushed when he said and I couldn't get jealous because he really loves me and I really love him. We talked about 5 mins and our food came and she winked at Nick. I just smiled and she left. " well this look delicious. Thank you for all of this!" I said to him and he blushed.
"Well I did this for the love of my life and I'm so grateful that I have you in my life." I started to tear up and I went to him and kiss him passionately. We finish eating and payed the check. We left the restaurant and the limo was there, we went inside the limo and we went to the beach. When we got there it's peaceful and Nick payed the limo driver and left. I took my heels off and we walked on the beach and hold hands  and when Nick stop and I was wondering why he stop. "What wrong?"  I said "heather, I'm so lucky to be with you, you like angel for me but also you made me laugh, smile, happy, excited and loved. I'm really really grateful that I have you in my life. I thank god that I met you and we become a couple. I was jerk and dumbass few years ago. I'm so sorry what had happened." He started to tear up and wipe his tear from his face. "Nick that so sweet and I'm the luckiest girl in the whole entire world. I forgive you what happened and I'm so glad that we were together. You make me so happy. I'm in love with you and I had these feeling ever since we met." I said while I was blushing hard core. He grabbed me by the waist and we passionately kissed and I know that this is love struck. He pulled away and give me a box. I opened the box and it was beautiful necklace and it had N with blue heart. I gasped and it was the most gorgeous gift I have ever had." Nick I don't know what to say. It's beautiful and N for Nick." I said while he was putting it on for me. "Yea that people could know you my girl. It's look  gorgeous on you" I kissed him again and he hold me and we sat on the sand and look at the sky. It was 12:55 we went back to the hotel and went to our suite and Alaisa and Jason weren't there. I got in the bathroom and took a nice shower and put on my pjs and brush my teeth and wash my face. I got out and saw Nick shirtless. I went to him  and we cuddled and he turn off the tv and we talked and went to sleep. I was still awake when I heard the door open and shut. I saw Jason and Alaisa kissing. I did a fake cough and they stop and look embarrassed and I told them " go asleep and don't have anything tonight's" I laughed and they laughed and went to sleep.

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