chapter 45

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Louis POV

Today is big day I'm going to meet Frida's Father. Am I stoke about this? no! Am I going to pee my pants out? Yes I am because I heard a lot of stories about her father that he is super strict with his daughters and there his last kids. Jason came into my room and he asked me which shirt is right for him.

"Hey, which shirt look good on me?"
He hold up white plain shirt with navy blue blazer and black pain shirt with grey blazer.

"Umm let see....I think the navy blue one." I said and he nodded. All the boys are really nervous about tonight because the girl's fathers are really overprotective of them. Plus the girls are related. I am praying to God that everything will be alright for tonight. Well it's 1:00 pm and there's 5 more hours til the party. So I decided to get ready. I want to look good and impress frida dad.

Heather POV
I been hanging with girls in my bedroom talking about tonight. We talked about the boys and Nick told me that he nervous. I bet everything will be alright for him and the boys. I just hope my dad won't be so tough on Nick. It's about 1:45 pm and the girls help each other out with our hair and out fits. I decided to wear royal blue dress with quarter sleeves and statement necklace and nude sandals. Alaisa is wear neon pink with simple necklace and black pumps. Frida is wearing floral printed dress with flats and flower necklace. Darlene is wearing red fitted dress with white pumps and her Mikey necklace. I did loose waves on my hair and I decided to do simple look for makeup. And all the girls did the same look. I could tell we look good. I can't wait for tonight because the boys never met our side of the family. We Latinos Family is filled with a lot of partying. I waited another minutes for the girls.

30 mins later
We all went downstairs to see my aunts and uncles and some of our cousins. We greeted each one of them and gave them a hug and kiss on the cheek. I heard the doorbell rang and I went to open it and it was the boys.
I gave them hug and kiss Nick. I welcome them in and close the door. They stood there shock. "What? You never see our family partying?" I said and they shook their head. I lead them to our family and all the girls went to their boyfriend. I introduced Nick to my family and my mom and lastly but least my dad.

"Papi, I want you to meet someone."
"Who do you want me to meet?"
"Dad, this is Nick my boyfriend."
"Hello Mr.Montalva, it was pleasure to meet you. I hear you a lot about you."
"Well hello Nick, it's the nice to meet you. I hear a lot great things about you from daughter."
"So tell me Nick, how many girlfriends did you had before. " my dad said and I'm just like
"Just two, sir"
"Oh ok, so what do you do when you're your free time?"
"I dance, sing , and just hang out with my friends and Heather. Sir"
"Oh that good. So how old are you Nick ."
" I'm 15 sir" Nick said
"The same age as Heather. So Nick one last question."
"What do you think about dating my daughter?"
"I think your daughter is absolutely amazing and she intelligent, smart, beautiful, kind, and lovely girlfriend. I will not hurt her and I will give her respect and be the guy that she wants and what best for her. I really like your daughter." Nick said and I was so happy and in love. My dad was silent and I was scare what he going to say.

" well nick...... I think you the right boy for my daughter. I could see that you like her and she likes you too. I approved and appreciate this talking to you.

My dad gave Nick a hand and he shook it. I was smiling like crazy and gave my dad a hug and said thank you.

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