chapter 52

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*Few Days past*
Heather POV
Ever since that happened, Darlene isn't herself lately she been going out in the middle of the night. She hasn't been spoken with me or to any of the girls. I heard Mikey isn't doing so well either but hey this wouldn't happen if Mikey didn't do that mistake. Everyone worries about Darlene, thank god our Aunt hasn't been here, she busy with the studio and her company. I was eating my nutella sandwich and my orange juice. I heard footsteps coming down, I saw Alaisa coming this way. "Hey" I said and she nodded her head. She grabbed her cereal and put in a bowl. She came up next to me and talk, "so have you talked to her?" Alaisa said and I knew what she was talking about, I shook my head , "what about you?" I said and she shook her head.
"I don't know what to do, I wish she could talk to us. We always there for each other." I sighed softly. "We need to do something." Alaisa said. I agree with her because Darlene is not only cousin but she our sister, she always happy and excited but now she depressed and puzzle. I wonder why she been going out at night.


Darlene POV
Ever since that happened, I been not talking to anyone including the girls. I want to be alone. Lately I began walking to park at night. It helps me to clear my thoughts out. It around 12:45 and I mostly go out around 1:00, so I got up and went to my closet puck out a pair of leggings and long sleeve shirt with keds. I put my hair in pony tail, I grabbed my phone and head out. I quietly open my door and tip toe down the stairs. As I was on the last step, I saw the TV in the living room and saw Nick and Heather. They both fell asleep while TV is on. I quietly walked to the front door and opened it and get out. Woooh that was hard than the other nights, I began walking to the park, I turned around to see Mikey sitting in our drive way but I put my earphones in and started to walk. He turned around and saw me but I kept walking, I bet he was right behind me and I turned around and I was right. So I put my music loud enough and I decided to run. I ran fast enough that I could lose Mikey and I did. I made my way to the park and it was pretty, the lights on the tree and the grass was kinda comfortable.

 I made my way to the park and it was pretty, the lights on the tree and the grass was kinda comfortable

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I found a bench that I could sit at. I feel like the park is a place where all your thoughts are gone and beside there no one here because people don't go to park. I began playing NY music. I relax my body and went to close my eyes. I was distracted with music, this feel like I'm in another world. Later on, I felt something touched me but I'm scared to open my eyes because what if it's stranger with a knife or even worse Mikey. I finally face my fear and open my eyes to see no one there, I was confused at first but then the touched came back and I look down and there was two cute Siberian husky puppy and OMG it's has blue eyes.

 I finally face my fear and open my eyes to see no one there, I was confused at first but then the touched came back and I look down and there was two cute Siberian husky puppy and OMG it's has blue eyes

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"OMG, you guys are so adorable" I said and petting them. There skin are so soft and FLUFFY... "Why you guys are alone out here?" I said to them and then I hear screaming. I look up to see a boy who out of breath coming over here, I bet he their owner. "Is these your dogs?" I said to the boy who finally look up and my first thought was WCW, he so cute but wait I just got out of relationship with Mikey and I'm still heartbroken. "Yes, thank you so much, i thought I lost them." Said the boy. "My name is Joel. What your name pretty girl?" Joel said and did he called me pretty... OMG but I don't think I'm already to talk a guy but it's doesn't me we ever date. "My name is Darlene." I smiled and nodded. Me and Joel got to know each other more. Joel is singer and he latino and me say this #WCW. He really sweet,kind, cute, chill, and good guy. We walked around the park one time and we said goodbye. He was nice friend, we exchange numbers so we can hangout more. I started walking and felt something behind me and I turned around there was nothing, I kept walking and felt that again and again no one there. It was getting creepy, I started walking again but I heard tree branch and I immediately turn around and saw someone I didn't want to see in my life...... Mikey. Oh great now my ex boyfriend is stalking me...

" what are you doing here?" I said and sounded coldy and full of anger. He looked up and he sighed.

"Just wanted to talk about us" he said and I just shocked my head. I'm not going to forgive him, I gave him so many chances in our relationship and he use it as advantage.

"There no us, Mikey, there nothing between the two of us. Okay, understand? I'm never will go out with you, you don't know how to be in relationship. You need to get life fix." I said and turned around.

"You moved on pretty fast, who was the guy?" He said and he started to walk up to me. His face was in front of mine.

"You don't need to know, get out of my life." I said and left

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