Chapter 61

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After encountering our aunt, we decided to check with the boys. Darlene and I went downstairs to the basement, after we enter the room that they were hiding and I tell them that the close was clear.

"She gone, you could come out now." I said and the boys and Alaisa and Frida came out also, the girls came over  ask why was our "lovely aunt" doing here. I explained to them that she wanted to come over and dropped our gifts from Christmas. Don't get me wrong, she a good hard worker and good boss but she not family person, I give her respect and I love her but she doesn't support our career or choices. 

"Um, excuse me? What just happen?" Jason just asked and we turned around, the boys was standing there with a confused expression on their faces. We decided to tell them later about it and explain to them why. They just shrugged and came up to us and we went back upstairs to the living room and just hanged out while Jason and Alaisa were making breakfast. We just chilled  and hang out until it was time to eat breakfast. 

~20 mins later~

Breakfast was ready and we all went to the kitchen and eat our yummy delicious breakfast. To be honest, we been through a journey and now we have grew so close to one to another. Me and Nick relationship has been good so far, i truly am blessed to have him because he a sweet heart and his passion for dance touches my heart because he poured out his soul and touches the audience with his emotions. Not only, he really amazing guy and i love every single thing about him. Into reality, i just finished my breaksfast and put my bowl in the sink and washed it. I went my way to my room and i felt something tugging my shirt and i turned around and saw nick on his knees and arms and giving me a doggy pout and i giggle at his actions and i continue to play with him, " what's matter boy?"i said with a concern in my tone."woof woof woof" nick barked and grab my hand lead me to my bedroom. As we ran up the stairs, he grabbed my waist and bring our lips together. I kissed back and we slowly just kiss. After i needed to breathe, we pulled away and we just sat at my bed and nick was playing with hair and we just talked about random things until he asked about my tia.
"Hey, are you going to explain what had happened early with that women?" Nick said and i sighed, i got up from his lap and face him.
" well that women was our tia, have you heard a women name Gabriela Cadena." I asked him and he looked at me for a minute until he spoke again "umm i have no idea." He said and curiosity got to him and nodded his head so i could continue.
" she this major fashion designer and her fashion line has been successful throughout the years until she let it go to her head, it all happen a few years ago when we were all united......"


Sorry guys i havent been posting but here is another chapter, i hope you enjoy it... Also thank you for reading my story im so blessed to have you guys enjoying it love you all💜💜💜💜

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