Chapter 1

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Marinette groaned as she woke up to the blasting sound of her phone ringing and the now accustomed morning wake-up call from Adrien.

Ever since the trip to New York, the two had become inseparable. It had been like a dream come true. During the time there, the two bonded over how astonishingly the New York heroes were and somehow became best friends from there. The first few hours of their talk were kind of awkward with all of Marinette's stuttering, but after a while, she found herself being able to speak normally with her all-time crush, and Adrien couldn't be happier.

He had always hope Marinette could feel as comfortable with him as she did with the rest of his schoolmates, and it was finally happening. Adrien had to agree with Nino when he had said Marinette was awesome because God was she! She was astonishingly unique, and he knew that now. She was kind, honest, funny, loving, talented, and so much more. It would take him a lifetime to describe her.

That was the turning point and the beginning of a different relationship. From there, the friendship blossomed. After arriving back in Paris, Adrien found himself wanting to spend as much time with Marinette as he could. He would often talk to her at school, and then he would call her only to hear how the rest of her day had been. He would speak of his photoshoots or fencing, make jokes, and sometimes even sneak in a flirtatious comment or two. Not that Marinette would ever notice.

The two had been closer than ever but not as close as they became after receiving the worst news of their lives. Both Alya and Nino were moving. They remember crying together for hours that night. That was the first night Adrien had came over instead of calling. He told her he didn't want to be alone and that she was the only person he knew would understand. That night Marinette welcomed him in with open arms. She did understand. She was also losing her best friend, and she was also in pain.

After that night, things changed for both of them. They grew closer and closer. They went from talking on the phone to constant late-night calls, constant visiting, and alone time lots and lots of alone time. During this time, Marinette found herself losing her crush on the model. She felt at ease. Marinette realized she had pictured Adrien as this perfect model. When in reality, he was far from perfect. He was not only a model, but he was a normal person, with problems and obstacles. He was not perfect, but he was perfectly Adrien. He was her best friend, and she loved him for that. 

Learning he was not perfect was the best thing that could have happened. It allowed her to get over her fear and become closer to him. Now that she wasn't thinking of how perfect he was, she could be the friend he needed, and he the friend she wished for him to be as well. Now that Alya and Nino were gone, they only had each other, and she couldn't let a silly crush ruin that for them. That and her now growing crush on the musician and friend Luka Couffaine.

For Adrien, it was different. After the trip to New York, he found himself second-guessing his feelings for the bluenette. During their time in New York, he knew he wanted a friendship with her, but now Adrien wasn't sure that was all he wanted.

Many times did he try to make himself believe that all he needed was her friendship. But then how come he hated when they were distant. Adrien felt the need to talk to her all the time. He found himself wanting to be the first voice she heard in the morning and the last at night before heading to bed. Hense the morning wake-up calls. 

These past few nights, Adrien had tried to figure out how he felt. In the end, it all leads him to one conclusion. Adrien was in love with Marinette. Who had he been kidding? The famous teen has loved her since the beginning. Last night, he almost thought of confessing. For a second, he believed Marinette felt the same, that was until she said the words that he hoped he never heard, at least not from her.

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