Chapter 16

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***Hello,  my loyal readers. I'm back and I bring the final chapter of the story. I hope you like it. Like, comment, vote, and follow. Thank you for the support. Sending love, MMF***

"You were right. I was with Luka this morning. What you saw was real."

 Adrien stared at Marinette, not moving an inch. He couldn't believe she could say the words as she did with no emotion or guilt. Marinette had just confessed to ditching him for Luka this morning, but he already knew that, so what exactly was the point of this, to rub it in his face some more?

Adrien refused to react. He had already shown pain to which she apparently cared very little. Therefore, he will keep his pain in and move on or attempt to do so.

"But I did have something to take care of, I swear. Adrien, I was not trying to stand you up this morning. I love our morning walks to school just as much as you do, but this was important." Marinette quickly added, attempting to defend herself.

Adrien remained still, not showing any emotion whatsoever. He wanted to believe her, he really did, but what the blonde saw this morning replayed in his mind reminding him that he would never have with Marinette what Luka had with her. She was probably feeling guilty and chose to lie, but even if it was a lie, what could he possibly do about it?

Noticing Adrien had no intention to respond, Marinette continued, "I needed to talk to him about something that happened Saturday evening during our visit to the park. Something t-that I haven't t-told you yet." Marinette softly confessed. Her voice ended as a bear whisper.

Her last sentence grabbed Adrien's attention. Finally choosing to react, Adrien took a deep breath and spoke up. "Something I don't know yet." He spoke sarcastically, adding a small disappointed chuckle while shaking his head. Adrien watched as Marinette bit her lip and nodded shyly, agreeing with his statement.

Why was he not surprised? He was not sure if it was the fact that what he saw this morning had changed the way the model saw the bluenette or if he was simply angry, but the news did not shock him as it should have.

Even though he was not surprised at the news, Adrien couldn't say he didn't feel betrayed because he did. He had always been completely open and honest to Marinette. Adrien had never lied to her. He had believed she was the same towards him, but apparently not.

Not only had Marinette chosen Luka behind his back, but now she was hiding things from him. When did their relationship take this big of a turn? Why didn't he see this before?

"Why?" he asked, turning his head away from her and towards the ground. Marinette knew what Adrien was attempting to ask her. Why did she hide it? Why couldn't she tell him about it before? They had talked that same night. She had slept in his arms, so why didn't she tell him what else had happened?

"I wanted to tell you, but I," Marinette hesitated. Did she really want to tell him the truth? Yes, she did. She loved him, and if they were going to be together, there couldn't be any lies between them.

"I was afraid. I was scared of how you would react. You were already mad at me, and I didn't want to upset you more than you were already. I was upset, confused, and I thought that it was best to try and figure things out before I did anything else," Marinette admitted.

Upset? Adrien questioned himself silently. Why would it upset her? What happened that day at the park? What was it that he didn't know? Was it when he left her side? Did Alya and Nino know? Adrien felt perplexed. He was not sure what he should really be feeling at the moment. Should he be worried, angry, scared? What should he be feeling? How could he know if she had hidden it from him!

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