Chapter 5

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*** Sorry for the long wait, my loyal readers. I was sick and could not write, but I am back. I will be updating as fast as I can to make up for the time I missed. Thank you for the love and support. Please Vote, comment, and follow. Sending love, MMF***

The rest of the day went by in a blink of an eye. As time went by, the teens got more and more excited to see their friends again. Marinette and Adrien planned everything. Every single second of their weekend together. Marinette could not be happier. It helped that Adrien had gone back to acting normal. His funny and flirty, confident attitude was back, and Marinette loved it.

Adrien, on the other hand, had been struggling all day. No matter how hard he tried, his heart skipped a beat when Marinette was close. Her touch and kind words were like ecstasy for him, and he wanted nothing more than to be able to call her his. But of course, there was Luka. The tallest bump on the road yet.

As the day came closer and closer to an end, Adrien had made up his mind. This weekend he would forget about Luka, Marinette was all his, and he will fight for her no matter what, especially now that he would have the help of their two best friends.


The bell had rung, signaling the end of the day. Like the speed of light, both Adrien and Marinette hurried to pack their things to meet their best friends. Alya had texted Marinette during the last period, letting her know they had landed. Adrien had set it up for them to pick their friends in the airport. Luckily it was only near minutes away.

Not placing much thought to it, Adrien laced his fingers through Marinettes' pulling her with him as they ran to the car. Marinette couldn't explain it, but somehow it felt different. She was not sure whether it was just his happiness radiating towards her or the situation they had recently gone through, but it was different. The fact that Adrien cared so much for her enough to confess he didn't want to lose her made her feel warm and tingly inside. Almost the same way she felt during her months of being crazy in love with him.

As the teens ran through the halls and out of the school hand in hand, Marinette couldn't help but notice how her hand fit perfectly into his. Marinette felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She couldn't help but wonder if this is how it would feel if they were dating. 'No! Bad Marinette, you are dating Luka. Adrien is just a friend! Luka is amazing!' Marinette scolded herself. Why was she all of the sudden thinking this? Marinette couldn't explain it, but somehow it just felt right. 'No! Stop it, Marinette!'

Marinette's thought washed away the second she felt Adrien come to a sudden stop, pulling her back harshly, making her bounce back and onto his muscular chest. "Ouch, Adrien! What in the world?" She called out, rubbing her shoulder. Not hearing an immediate apology like usual, the bluenette looked up. Adrien was staring straight as if he had seen a ghost. Mouth opened, eyes widened, and happiness shining through.

Deciding to look at what the blonde he had been looking at, Marinette turned around. "AHHHHH, ALYA! OMG! I MISSED YOU. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WEREN'T WE GOING TO PICK YOU UP!!" Marinette yelled in excitement, running towards her best friends, Adrien doing the same towards Nino. "Hey, girly. I missed you too. Well, yeah, but we wanted to surprise you guys." Adrien couldn't help but stare at the girls as they hugged. He loved when Marinette smiled. Adrien bit his bottom lip and blushed as he admired the happy bluenette in front of him, which did not go unnoticed by his visiting besties.


It was officially the first night of their best friend's weekend extravaganza, and the teens had spent hours catching up. The more time passed, Alya and Nino couldn't help but notice how enamored Adrien was by the bluenette. It was as if the roles had reversed, and Alya loved it. Now, she knew of Marinette's relationship with Luka, and she had been happy for her friend, but if she was true to herself, she wished it was Adrien instead of Luka.

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