Another new day

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As I waited for my turn to come up my friend came out from the back to get me. Me and him been together since childhood and he got a job as a tattoo artist so of course I came to this one. Kookie I missed ya how you been, he asked? I've been great how about you, I asked as well? Fine fine, anyways what are you doing here, he asked?

Well, I said. I was looking into getting a sleeve tattoo, I said. His face dropped. Wait for real, he said. I'm so glad you stop by then today let's get this for you, he said. I smiled and followed him to the back. Just so I'm aware does your company know about this, he asked? No actually no one does, I said. It's a surprise. Oh ok cool then I better not get in trouble in case they don't like it, he said. No worries if they don't I won't bring you up, I said.

Good now sit and tell me what your going for, he said. I explained to him how I already want my hand to look but for my arm I wanted him to surprise me. He nodded his head and got to work. I was nervous at first thinking it was gonna hurt but it wasn't to bad. The pain was easy to take. I went on my phone and saw a message from suga.

Suga: Where are you?

Me:  I went out real quick, I'll be back soon.

Suga: ok then see ya soon<3

Me: Cya<3

I look back up to see my friend focus into what he was doing. Hey Sin, I asked? What's up kookie, he said. Do you know a piercing place around here, I asked. He looked up at me with a dazed look. Wow tattoo and a piercing what got you feeling bold today, he asked. Nothing really just felt like today was the day you know, I said. Yea I definitely do and no worries we deal with piercings here to I'll get you hooked up, he said. Thanks alot sorry for coming here in short notice, I said.

No worries anything for a friend and it wasn't a busy day today as well. I chuckled and went to my secret fanpage and showed him alot of fan stuff. We laughed at alot of it and admired some of the edits and art. About 15 hours later after all the work and time sitting were almost finished. Ok kookie just let me finish this eye and then we're done, he said. Ok then, I said as I finished my food. Ten minutes later he was done I finally could see the final results. I stood up and stretch before making it to a mirror.

Wow it looked amazing! Oh my god Sin this is amazing, I said. Heh thanks kookie only the best for you, he said. I gave him a hug as he gave one back. Now let's get this piercing in, he said. We went to a different part of the building and I sat down in the chair. So where do you want it, he asked. I pointed at my eyebrow and he smiled and nodded. Ok kookie breath in anddd. Plunk. Ow, I said.

He finished putting it on, gave me a mirror. You look hella good right now kookie, he said. He was right it looked better than I thought it would. I stood up and took out my wallet. No no no kookie you don't have to pay me, he said. Um yes I do, I said. You took your time to do this your getting paid, I said. I took my card out and paid full price for everything I got and tipped him as well. Thank you kookie, he said. No problem Sin I'll see ya later ok, I said. Cya, he said!

I called my driver to pick me up and I got back to BH building. I'm glad I had a hoodie on cause I was gonna wait until next day during our interview to show them off. But the piercing was something I couldn't hide though. I got back to the house and Jin, Suga, and Tae were in the front. Hey JK welcome- OH MY, Jin said. YO, Suga said. I smiled nervously. Hi hyungs, I said. So that's what you decided to do, suga said. It looks so cool! Thank you, hyung, I said.

Did they say you could get that, Jin asked? Um actually, I said. I didn't ask. They all looked at me funny. Bold, Tae said. Very very bold, then he walked out. Well I'm heading to bed, Jin said. Night hyung, me and Suga said. Wanna hang out again tonight, suga asked. I smiled and shook my head. We headed back to my room and we ended up walking into namjoon.

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