Something new pt.2

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Jungkook pov:

And with that me and namjoon were on the car with our personal drivers. He told me he was taking me out of town but won't tell me where. After a while our driver stop and namjoon got out the car. He came on the other side and open my door. Follow me, he said. Once we were out of eyesight of the personal car namjoon then held my hand. Of course I did get a little flustered our hands fit perfectly with one another. Like it was made to be a perfect fit.

Joon where are we going, I said. I'm taking you to my favorite spot to come relax and escape from idol life, he said. Only you and my best friend know about this area. I smiled to myself he took me to one of his favorite peace spots. We finally reached our destination. It was a sandy area and it had a small swing bench in the middle of it with a great view of the sun and water. I sat down to the chair swing with namjoon right beside.

We were silent for a bit just soaking up the sight. So this is what the fans must mean by namjooning, I said. He chuckled. Yea it's quite fun I see alot of new things and get to enjoy being outside, he said. He grabbed my hand and held it up placing a kiss on it. Maybe this could be our thing, he said. I scooted closer to him basically cuddling him. I hope so, I said. He place his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes for a bit. After a couple of minutes he jumped up. It startled me it was really random.

Jung Jung, he said! Yea what's up why are you pacing, I said. Do you have anything sharp on you, he asked. I mean yea I have a pen-. Let me see it, he said. I handed him the pen and then he pulled me near the outside of the woods. Here, he said. He handed me back the pen and pointed to the tree. It was carved with half a heart and it said K NJ+. And that was it. When did you write this, I asked? About a couple years ago, he said. I was hoping to find the right person to finish it. He then looked at me. Would you do the honors, he said.

I then smiled really wide and finished it to have a full heart and now say K NJ+J JK.  After carving it in, I looked over to Namjoon. His cute dimples as he smiled and blushed a bit. I pulled him in and place a kiss on his head. Thanks for showing me this place joonie, I said. No problem Jung, he said. It's now our place so anytime you wanna come here alone or with me you know where to go, he said. We ended up kissing right then and there. Everything about the moment was right.

The waves in the background as the chilly wind blew. We then parted and went back to the swing to rest and talk a bit more. We didn't realize how much time went by until our driver came to check on us. It's about to be lunch time soon and y'all know lunch rush, she said. We then stood up and decided to get us some food. We stopped a small new sushi shop. They were very new and not many people came to it.

To be honest it looked like no one actually. We went in a took a seat in the back only two other people were there. That was great cause me and Joon didn't want to be seen by fans or the press. Among ordering we both got the same dish. To be honest I don't know why this place didn't have LINES out side the small restaurant. This was honestly amazing. Me and Joon both loved it. He picked up a sushi piece from his plate and held it out to me.

Say ahh, he said. I rolled my eyes at his actions, but it's not like I could say no. So for the rest of the lunch we just fed each other.
Sure it was corny but it didn't matter. I was just happy and so was he. After paying we put back on our scarfs and glasses. And just walked around a bit. Me and namjoon were walking across a mini bridge but then we saw two people who looked familiar.

As we got closer we saw that it was Jimin and Yoongi and Jimin was kissing yoongi's head. I guess the date went well, I whisper to myself. Joon then looked at me. You knew to, he said. I look back at him wondering how he knew. Jimin would come to me alot and talk about Yoongi ever night. I told him just to wait until the right moment. I guess it finally happened.

I'm guessing yoongi came to you huh, he said. I nodded my head and we left the bridge to leave them be. After a bit we drove back home and waited for the others to get home. It gave us a little bit more time to ourselves. No we didn't do anything we just kissed for a minute...or two.... Or more.

Yoongi and Jimin were the first to get back then Jin then Hobi and Tae. Jin brought some groceries to make us dinner tonight. Dinner was great cause Jin made it and we all went to bed early cause we all had a busy day. Me and Yoongi were in my room per usual but this time I made him tell me about the date.

Come on yoongs, I said. I literally saw him kiss your head and your pushing it off like nothing! He then look at me his face went red and he squealed. My face obviously showed confusion cause then he started apologizing. Then went back to fanboying again. I'm sorry I'm sorry, he said. But Jimin oh my god Jimin I didn't think the date would go THAT well, yoongi said. At first I wanted to take him out and go where he wanted to but no he took me to my favorite places and got my favorite lunch to. Like he was such a gentleman even though I wanted to do that, he said.

I laughed. At least you had fun, I said. Yea now tell me what did you and namjoon do. My face them goes red thinking about how great of a day we had. Oooo tell me, he said as he cuddled up to me. Ok so basically me and him went as people call it *namjooning* and it's honestly really nice, I said. Its probably a good thing he does it every week. But we ended up walking around a bit went to an AMAZING sushi diner and walked near the beach. Basically were we saw you to turns out Jimin talks about you alot, I said. Suga buried his face into my pillow.

Looks like we both had a great day, I said. Suga then perked up. Oh kookie, he said. Don't tell anyone but me and Jimin are officially together now, he said with his gummy smile. We then both talked about just how amazing our dates was and how amazing those two were. It was perfect honestly a little to perfect.

Namjoon pov:
I watch as Jimin paced around my room telling me how suga asked him out and they went on there *amazing* date. I just sat on my bed watching this go on. He then jumps on the bed and hugs me. Now enough about me tell me how it went for you, he said. I looked back on us on the swing, carving our names, and having a cheesy cute lunch date. I just blushed and buried my face into Jimins jacket. Awe I bet you had alot of fun huh joonie, Jimin said. I nodded my head really fast.

He then patted my head. Not gonna lie I think you soften up more ever since y'all got together you never hung onto me let alone anyone. Joon then looked up at Jimin. Awe I get it, Jimin said. How cute Joon but I think you might as well cling on to your little lover instead. Jimin then sat namjoon up and made him walk into Jk room. When they walk in they see suga and Jk cuddling onto each other while watching some fan covers/dances on YouTube.

Hey guys, Jimin said. We both then sat up and smiled at them. Hey guys what's up, yoongi said. This big baby right here keeps trying to cuddle me so I brought him to you, Jimin said. Joon then lightly hit Jimins arm. I'm not a baby, I said. Jungkook then stood up and patted the boys hair. Yea sure your not, jk said. Me and Yoongi both pulled them to my bed and cuddled the rest of the night watching videos. Then instead of a two person sleepover it was a four person. I might have to buy a bigger bed if this keeps up.

It was the middle of the night Yoongi was snuggle under Jimin. And then I looked down to see Joon attached to me. He look so peaceful when he was resting. I then kissed his head and went to sleep under the embrace of my lover and best friends. I couldn't ask for better everything is perfect....

For now....

A/N: I wanted to add SO much more fluff here but I decided to wait a bit longer sorry that it's shorter I've been busy and is now getting ready for school to start so weekly updates will happen soon. Instead of 2-3 days. Stay safe and have fun-Jeans

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