The end

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Jungkook pov: Today was the day everyone was so excited for our concert and we all got ready as fast as we could to get to the stadium. Ok everyone are y'all excited, namjoon said. We all clapped and cheered. Ok same here, he said laughing. We got to the stadium and picked up our clothing from the racks. We all went to the makeup room to get ready.

Since y'all will be outside and dancing and moving alot more the makeup will be very less ok, the woman said. Ok, we all said. And they did there work. After a hour everyone had the clothing and makeup done so we all headed onto stage. Ok y'all we start in 20 minutes get ready. I decided this was my chance to get my plan ready so I went backstage and was working with one of the music directors to add a song on. This is one I been working on for a while and I made it just for joonie. No one knew of it not even yoongi.

(A/N: it's not a real song just something I put together)

After i was able to squeeze it in I got back on stage. Ok y'all we start in 5. We got our mics ready I walk over and give Joon a quick kiss before this and we got ready for this. Ok y'all 3...2...1 let's go!, The lady yelled.

After a hour in everyone was sweaty, tired, and very hyped up but we performed like it was the last day alive. This event was so much fun we all had the best time singing and dancing and even horse playing. After we finish the chicken noodle soup performance the music stops. Everyone looks confused for a second but then I got my mic and walked up to the group.

I made this for you, I said.

(Don't take the song seriously it's just a add on)

"My my how far Ive gone
I just want you I cant go home
Nothing ever comes between no more
Now just come and love me more
Everyday you make me feel adore

You, your the one that I need
Your my distraction and my needs
Now just come and set me free
Just you and me

Hate is in our way
I just wanna make you stay~
You make me happy everyday
#1 bae

Oh yea~
#1 bae
Ooh yeaa~
Your my number #1 babe"

After I finished my mini song I walk up to Namjoon. He was already smiling at the song I made for him. I pull the mic up one more time to finally reveal us. I love you namjoon, I said. He pulls me closer and we kissed right there for all the fans to see. The rest of the members started clapping and cheering for us. The army's on the screens were waving there army bombs and clapping.

I rest my head on his as we smiled once more. We did it Joonie, I said. Yes we did kookie, he said. We kissed once more and got back on track with the rest of the concert. After a couple hours we finally concluded with the concert. Thank you everyone for watching we love you army, namjoon said. He grabs my waist as we waved to the camera infront of us.

When we finished filming we all fell to the floor. Wow that was tiring, Jin said. Yes it was, I said. Everyone get up and celebrate some more they just went public and we already know news for out fast, Jimin said. Omg right how do you guys feel, Tae said. I'm very happy, Namjoon said. Same as I, I said.

First of all look that song you made why didn't you tell us, yoongi said. I wanted it to be a surprise, I said. It was very sweet I loved it, Joon said. I'm glad you did cause it was just for you, I said. We shared a kiss which had everyone awed. We got up and went back to the back room. Congrats everyone and congrats to you two, Bang said. We all said our thanks and sat down for rest.

We all decided to check Twitter and wouldn't you believe it "Namkook" was trending. Everyone had seen what happened and has posted/retweeted/and shared everything. Wow 1b million tweets, I said. Wait what! That many, Namjoon said. I'm surprised it wasn't more, Jin said. Ahh I'm so happy for y'all, Tae said. As much as I would want us to stay and talk we gotta go back to the hotels, Bang said.

With that we all got back to our normal clothes and went to the van. It was a very quiet ride since everyone was tired after the concert. The moment we got back to the hotel we darted to the kitchen. The staff had bought alot of food for all of us and we couldn't be more greatful. We all sat down and ate to our hearts content. So first off before we do eat I actually wanna say something, Bang said. We all looked at him as he held his drink.

First off I wanna say I'm proud of all of you for what you done and have accomplished in your lives, he said. And secondly I'm happy for the couple that worked very hard to get where they are now. Everyone starts shaking and clapping for me and Joon. And even though there could be some rocky moments soon I know you two will make it through together, he said with a smile.

We smiled and him and thank him for the words. Oh and lastly before I leave I wish the best for the other couples to, he said with a wink before leaving. How the heck did he know, Jimin said. I don't even know but that's not what matters right now, Joon said. Eat up everyone. We all ate, laugh, and celebrated this amazing night and even did a little bit of drinking cause why not.

When we finished eating we all went to our rooms for the night and was able to sleep in as late as we wanted tomorrow. The moment I walked into my room I was greeted by a bearing hug. Hey Baby, I said as I hugged back. I hope you were satisfied by the way I announced us, I said. I was more than satisfied it was so sweet, he said.

I lived the song so much to I can't believe you made a song for me. I would do anything for you, I said. Anything for me, namjoon said. Yes anything why what's up, I said. I mean since today went so well why don't we celebrate on our own, Joon said as he sat on the bed. I small blush crept onto my face. I walked closer to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. Is that what you want baby, I said. He shakes his head as he pulls me closer. Ok than anything for you just keep it down ok, I said. And with that we fell asleep hours later after an amazing night with each other.

I held him closer to me as he slept. I wasn't really tired after what just happened so I stayed awake stroking his hair and giving him kisses every second. He ends up waking up randomly in the night. Why aren't you sleep, he asked. I wasn't as tired, I said. Oh alright then you ok, he asked. I'm more than ok, I said. I feel so lucky to have you joonie I know I say this alot but I do and I love you so much. Namjoon smile and give me a kiss. I love you so much Kookie I'm glad we're together I don't know what I would do if we weren't, he said.

Promise me something namjoon, I said. What is it, he said. No matter what struggle we may face we will stick through it together and never let anything or anyone get between us, I said. I promise, he said. But promise me this as well, he said. Anything, I said. In our future... Just me and you together officially I want to grow old with you forever and even start a family with you so promise me you'll stick around to see it happen, he said. I teared up a bit a pull him into a bone crushing hug. I promise baby I'll be with you forever, I said.

We kissed and shared our last "I love you" before we slept. I can't wait to see what we have planned for us in the future. And I can't wait to see a future with my love, my best friend, my family, and my everything.

Kim namjoon, let's do this together....


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