The date

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I woke up to the buzz of my alarm clock. It was 8:00 AM and it was the Sunday after the launch party. My head was feeling fine which it should seeming as I don't drink! Non alcoholic all the way! I crawled out of my soft pillowed nest and jumped in the shower to wake myself up. My wet ombré hair was soon bone try from the warm air of the hairdryer and I tied it into a messy bun on the top of my head. I added a delicate little bow to the front to give it an extra boost of the cuteness factor. I went to my wardrobe and looked for a cute outfit to go with the cute black bow in my hair. I picked out a long sleeve black crop top, high waisted black ripped skinny jeans and my well loved black and white converse. I did my usual makeup with winged eyeliner and I applied my favourite lipstick (Rimmel Kate Moss 107).
I turned on my gold iPhone 6 and headed out onto the landing. I wasn't surprised to see Joe was still asleep. I can imagine his head will be pounding when he wakes up! That's what you get for drinking.

I trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I opened the cupboard of cereal and pulled out the colourful box of lucky charms. This Is the best cereal in the entire world. I poured it into my new bowl - you can see this in my new home haul on my channel - and splashed some green top milk on top and headed over to the dining table. As I was eating I checked up on social media. Nothing very interesting to be honest. Once the cereal was done I put my dishes in the dishwasher and headed to the sofa.

As I was watching the newest episode of 'American Horror Story' my phone pinged and it was a text from Alfie. I couldn't help but smile even before i had read it.
{Hey Zoe, seeming as we got on great last night at Tanya's launch, do you fancy grabbing lunch this afternoon? All the best Alfie xxx}
My heart skipped a beat..... Was this really happening?!?!??? Had Alfie Deyes really just asked me out on a date?!?!?!?! I cannot believe it! I'm so happy. I text back as quickly as I though appropriate.
{Hi Aflie, I would love to go out for lunch with you today, it'll be nice to chat more xxx}
He replied suprisingly fast
{Sick! I'll see you in pizza express at 1 ;) see you there. Xxx}
{Looking forward to it! Xxx} I typed back.
Well the butterflies had arrived in the pit of my stomach, they have a tendency to turn up when I am really looking forward to a lunch date! ;) Going to Pizza Express is also a bonus because as you all know, I love pizza!

About 3 hours later at 11:30 AM Joe comes down the stairs in his boxers... Not a pretty sight (others may say different but seeming as I am his sister I'm going with NO!)
"Morning Zo." Joe yawned
"Well don't brother, you actually got up in the bracket of the morning.....just. How's your head this morning?" I grinned at him.
"Ummm.....fine......ok ok, it's killing me. We got any pain killers in the drawer?" He groaned.
"Joe, do you know how you can find out? Seeming as you are stood right next to the drawer, why don't you open it and have a look?"
"Alright!!" He gave me the sibling death stare.
Joe said "what you doing today?"
"I'm going out to lunch this afternoon."
"Oh yea! With who aye?!"
"Alfie. He text me this morning asking me."
"Get in there Zo!" He winked at me.
"Thanks Sugg" I winked back and turned to my phone to see who had just texted me.
It was Miss Tanya Burr. What a lovely surprise.
{Morning lovely, I'm so happy you came last night. I was delighted to see you and catch up. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and card and I hope to see you very soon and we can have a girly weekend together. Love you lots Love Tan xxxxxxxx}
Awww that was cute. I do love her!

I haven't really anything to do today besides lunch.
I looked at my phone and the time was now 12:35. I think I had better get going. After all Pizza Express is a good 15 minutes from my house. I grabbed my handbag and flung on my beige trench coat and grabbed my car keys form the key rack on the wall by the door. I jumped into my black mini and drove off to meet Alfie. I was getting more and more excited.

As I got to town I parked in the car park and headed to the restaurant. I was getting more and more excited by the minute. I walked up to the entrance to Pizza Express, stopped and took a deep breath and pushed open the door. I stepped inside to see loyd of faces around circular and rectangular tables, both eating pizza and waiting for food. I looked around to see where Alfie was and I soon spotted him with this black beanie and grey baggy top. I walked over to where he was sitting and he stood up and we gave each other a hello hug and he even gave me a cheeky peck on the cheek. I can't hep feeling that I blushed ever so slightly then.
I sat down on the seat opposite Alfie and we chatted for a few minutes before a kind looking waitress with bright red hair and snake bites came over to us and handed us each a menu
"Here you guys, take a look at what you want and I will be over soon to talk your orders." she was a very happy waitress with an American accent.
We both stared down at the menus deciding what to order. There is so much nice food to pick form! Ok....I'm set!
"You ready to order?" We both asked each other at the exact same time. We both fell into a fit of laughter. Once we had pulled ourselves back together we patiently waited for the waitress to return with her little note pad and pen.
"You guys ready to order?" She happily asked.
"Sure I'll have a sprite zero please and to eat I think I'm going to have to get a cheese and tomato pizza with a side of dough balls please." I told her everything I wanted to eat and it was Alfie's turn.
"I think I'm gonna to go for and chocolate milkshake, a bbq chicken pizza and fries with garlic mayo please." He licked his lips as he ordered. He was obviously very hungry.
As the waitress turned to head to take the order away we both sat chatting. We then decided it was a good time to take a selfie to post on out Instagram's. Our subscribers will be going nuts ahaha. The date was going good so far. Let's hope he doesn't have a disgusting eating habit.
About 15 minutes later the food arrives and oh my gosh did it look and smell AMAZING! Obviously the first thing we both did was whip out our phones to take a picture. YouTubers have a thing about taking photos of their food as soon as it arrives on the table. With the snap captured we both returned our phones to safe keeping and dived into the delicious feast that was sitting, waiting to be demolished by our tastebuds.
With every last scrap of food devoured, we sat and sipped the remains of our drinks. It was now 2:30 PM and we were sat at the table gossiping about what's happening with our lives at the moment.
Alfie jumped in at first chance (although very smooth, I'll give him that.) "So miss Sugg, are you seeing anyone? As in seeing seeing?"
"No Mr Deyes I am not seeing anyone, as In seeing seeing. And yourself?"
"Well obviously I am seeing you because you are sat directly opposite me and I have a good working pair of eyes in my head." He gave me the innocent smile.
"Aha ok then, I'm very sorry I didn't realise that sooner."
"Nah seriously though, I'm single."
He stared at me with those big brown eyes, making me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Then he bit his lip and u I felt something nudging my foot. Was he really playing footsie already?!? Oh well I'm not complaining.

As the date came to an end Alfie said to me.
"So this was fun.....fancy doing it again soon?"
"Sure, I'd love to."
"Ok then, I'll call you soon." And with that he kissed me on the check and strolled off into the distance.
As I was still stood there trying to work out what the hell just happened, I got a text. I looked down at my phone and it was from Alfie himself.
{Btw I forgot to say, you look amazing xxx}
And with that I hopped in my car and drove home. I wonder when he will call me?

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