TOM: you look dead
LORELAI: likewise, you cunt1967:
Tom Riddle visited
Lorelai Cove often in the small british
town she lived in, he told her the
40th time he came to see her he would have a suit on and bring a white dress for her.They would go on dates and everytime he wasn't in town she missed him.
She used to cound the days until the 40th date and imagined her walking up to her fionce. He told her he had to do business out of town. And it was business to kill humans for yourself getting the check never dying.
christina ricci, lorelai cove
i recommend the second
smallest font or bigger.
NO idea if the timeline
1967 is accurate don't
ruin my fantasy.
this is gonna be a pretty short
story btw all my stories.
lorelai is a gryffindor or a
hufflepuff and a infp or
an isfj can't choose 🤍TAGS:
marleneskisses pixiebae111
sinfulsoul -nesssaaa killersmuse frenchexits putrescentpoet idlevalentine deadIydoll girlgods neptunals angelsrot vagrantsaints buttology bipanicbarnes pogslutx satinebones eventualruin unfvckwitable silvcrsouls deathterror silkhearts okeileen sleaterskinneyand everyone who is reading
this and who supports me
(sorry for the unwanted tag just
pm me if you don't want one
i just tag accs that i
admire and think are pretty
ofc out were are more <33)