Where did you go

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Tubbo POV:

I walked home, still slightly giddy about getting to go to a fancy dinner.

Then the wave of worry washed over me.

I didn't listen to my dad!
He's going to kill me!

As I walked through my door I tried to be as quiet as possible hoping to avoid my dad.
But it didn't last long.

"TOBY!" He shouted from another room

I walked into the kitchen where he was and sat down on the counter
"Yes dad" I whispered looking down at my feet

"What did I say?"

"He home for 11"

"Then why are you here at 1 in the afternoon near abouts. And is that alcohol I smell"

"I was staying over at Tommy's! And he was drinking a bit. I didn't touch any I swear"

My dad looked at me sceptically as he picked up the phone.

"Yes is Tommy there?

Hey sport can I ask you something?

Oh nothing it's just how was toby last night?
He was around your house all night correct?

Oh don't worry. Thank you and take some aspirin for that...headache of yours"
My dad put the phone down and stared at me

"Next time you stay over call me first" he sighed

"I will" I smiled.

I ran out the door and headed to Tommy's house.
It was just down the street so it wasn't far.

I knocked on the door and waited for Tommy to answer, once he did he pulled me in

"Dude what the fuck? Where did you go last night if you didn't go home?" He shouted

"Firstly thank you. He would've killed me, secondly I stayed over at someone's house"

"Oh my god! Was it a girl! Did you get lucky you sly dog" he smiled punching at my shoulder

"Please be quiet my head hurts. And no I didn't 'get lucky' I just got a bit drunk and passed out over there"

"Is she fit?" Tommy asked

"You have no gentlemenness in you" I laughed

"That's not a word tubs"

"You hungry?" Tommy asked heading towards the kitchen

"Starving thanks"

Tommy started making a sandwich for both me and him.

As he did so I started humming a song

Tommy must've noticed because she asked "what song is that? I didn't hear the band playing it"

It took me a moment to place it but then it came to me, it was the song ranboo played last night. Then it reminded me of why he was singing it. And then the dinner tonight.
I hope he's ok

"Oh it's just a random little tune"

"Well it sounds good"


I went home a little later. It was around 6pm and I needed to get to ranboos house. I quickly put on the nicest casual clothes I had and walked out.

It took me a while to find ranboos house. However I finally did.

When I got there I saw a woman at the door talking to ranboo. He looked sad.

I walked closer and over heard "I'm your girlfriend. And you said this deal was expensive so it'd be a shame not to go"

I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder

"That's why he's taking me"

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