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Tubbo POV:

There was a silence in the room

"... of course I love you boo! How couldn't I?" I laughed wrapping my arm around him, as high as I could reach.

"No it's not that it's just..." he trailed off.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice laced with concern

"That's the first time I've heard it like that" he whispered

"Like what?"

"Like you mean it" he spoke. I looked into his eyes and they were beginning to water

"This is because of that Bitc- your ex isn't it?" I asked

Ranboo nodded as he brought me into a hug

"I'd kill her but I do t think you'd be to fond of me going to jail" I giggled

"Mhmm you're not allowed to leave me" Ranboo whispered

"I'm not going anywhere"


Ranboo drove me back home, I managed to talk him into coming into the house with me, and dispute his social anxiety he was quite willing to come.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by my mother. She immediately entrapped me in a hug.

"You had us worried sick! Where were you" she shouted

"I was staying at my friends" I spoke

"Who!" She shouted once again.

I outstretched my arm to point at Ranboo standing next to me.

My mother looked at him and Ranboo waved rather uncomfortably, i found it very funny but now would not be a good time to laugh.

"You had my baby?" She asked

Ranboo simply nodded, trying his hardest not to speak.

"Was he safe?"

"Mu-" I tried to speak but she interrupted me


"Yes ma'am he was safe and sound I made sure of that" Ranboo finally spoke. 'Way to formal' I thought once against trying to stop myself from laughing

"Well thank you... I suppose" my mother finished

She directed us into the house, where we ran into our dad "TOBY SMITH.  do you have any idea what you've put your mother through!" He shouted

"Sorry dad" I whispered

"An apology won't do it. This kind of behaviour is unacceptable. And whose this?" He spoke referring to Ranboo "I don't think you should be talking to him if he's encouraging or endorsing this behaviour"

"Dad! That's ridiculous. If anything I talked him into letting me stay over!" I shouted

"Don't raise your voice to me young man!"

"Do you even know why I ran off?" I asked

"It doesn't matter why! The point is you did and you had no idea of the consequences of your actions!" My dad continued to shout

"You go to your room. And you need to leave my house this instant" my father said talking to ranboo

"Dad no it's fin-"

I felt a hard slap across my face, I could feel the harsh sting from his hand and the cold imprint of his ring.

I fell to my knees from the impact and as I stood up I saw my father pinned against a wall by Ranboo. He had both of his arms against my fathers hands holding them up against the wall.

"Watch how you treat him 'sir' that's your son. And you should treat him like royalty. I know I do" Ranboo growled.

He then looked at me "come on Tubbo. Let's go home"

He let go off my father and I wasn't one to argue with ranboo in this current state he was in.

Id never seen Ranboo get angry, I've seen him be sad,happy,uncomfortable and anxious but never angry.

It was scary.

But it didn't scare me. I

We walked out of my house and back into ranboos car.

He drove a little down the road and turned off. Eventually he reached a car park and parked. He bent his head down so it made contact with the steering wheel.

After a long breath his head popped back up and he looked at me, his left hand reached over to my face, he tilted my head to the left ever so slightly to inspect my face.

I could hear another low and brief growl before he whispered "are you ok?"

I nodded

"Did I scare you?"

This time I shook my head

"I'm sorry" he released another long breath

"Ranboo you don't have to apologise. If anything I should thank you" I smiled leaning my head to rest on his shoulder

"But I don't think you'll be welcome in that house anymore. I know I won't. And I don't trust your father around you" Ranboo said

"That's fine by me. I don't wanna go back" I spoke

"Do you wanna live with me?" Ranboo questioned

"Of course!" I laughed

"That badly huh?" He smiled

"You know it!" I laughed, and he joined in.

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