Life by the sea

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So I guess this was the start of my new life.

Away from my parents.

Away from tommy, both of which had been with my my entire life.

I should feel sad.

I should cry and run back to home, apologising for my actions and begging for my room back.

But instead I felt almost relieved, overjoyed by the fact I can spend all my time with a newly made drummer boyfriend.

"I can't believe we're doing this" Ranboo smiled

"I know! I'm so excited"

"You know I might need to buy a new house" Ranboo says looking over at me slightly

"Oh my god! Yes! We should totally get a little house by the sea or something it'll be so cute we'll be like an old married couple" I shouted clearly distracting Ranboo from his driving momentarily

Ranboo suddenly started laughing "a life by the sea huh?"

"Hell yeah! Maybe I'll even right a song about it" I exclaimed pumping my fist into the air almost hitting the roof of ranboos car.

"I'd love to see that"

Another moment of silence occurred, which lasted until Ranboo had parked his car in his driveway.

I walked inside "home sweet home" I heard Ranboo say

"Yes I suppose it is now" I let out a sigh of almost relief.

"So want now?" Ranboo asked however as he spoke a phone call could be heard buzzing from his pocket, Ranboo took one look at it and his face immediately dropped.

He walked into a different room to answer the phone. I took this as a queue to give him some privacy, so I walked into the bedroom and lasted down.

"This has been one hell of a day" I said to myself. I could hear the low mumbling of Ranboo speaking in the other room but I didn't try to hear what he was saying.

It was honesty quite nerve wracking, seeing Ranboo so pale. I couldn't describe how he looked beyond that.

All of a sudden a knock was heard at the bedroom door. I shouted a simple "come in" and Ranboo entered. His face although somewhat uncomfortable held a soft smile.

"You ok?" I asked

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine"

"Boo what was that call about? You looked...different" I asked patting the bed for Ranboo to sit down next to me.

As he did I placed my head on his lap, ranboos response to this was to softly stroke my hair it felt soothing, like just what I needed after today.

"It was the bands manger" Ranboo began

"We've got a tour coming up apparently" he whispered

"That's great!"
"Right?" I asked

Ranboo let out a heavy sigh "it would be. But it's a big tour, and I can only handle a certain amount of people. Like 100 or so.
But this tour is going to have thousands"

"Holy shit!"

"Yeah. I'd like it if you came with me" He said but it almost sounded like a question

"Of course boo. I'd travel the world with you"

"After this tour I'd probably have the money to get that house by the sea you wanted" Ranboo chuckled

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Hi real quick it's I the author :)

As of 39 minutes ago of me writing this chapter it's now my birthday!!!!!
Any way enjoy goodbye

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