Chapter 17

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takezono, and an old friend;

EVEN FROM AFAR, she can already hear the loud sneaks and noises from most basketball shoes against the court's old worn floorboard, that the team made extra shiny. She had heard that as a punishment for all their troubles, Akagi often made them clean the court, and by that is an extreme general cleaning. But as she dipped her head, today's practice seems different. Everyone is still wearing their school uniform. Some are

training and shooting, and some are just hanging out on the bench.

"Pres! What are you doing here?!" Miyagi was the one who greeted her loudly, catching the attention of most players inside the court. Even Rukawa, with his duffle bag on the floor, laying with him and making it look like it is somewhat a pillow he improvised. The floor is that clean that they can sleep on it huh? But honestly, it was no surprise at all. This guy can sleep anywhere he wants to. He even did that riding his bike. What a narcoleptic moron. She noticed that only while playing basketball, he's wide-awake. Although when it comes to homeroom discussions, he's sleeping, head on his desk.

"Nothing, really." She said before trailing, her eyes went to glance at the sleepy boy on the floor again. "I was just curious."

Mitsui with a grin approached her. "Well since you're here, why don't you accompany us?"

"Stop trying to get on my side, senpai."

With that, he raised both hands in the air, offended. "Hey! That invitation was genuine!"

Akagi who was discussing things with Kogure offered her to enter the gym. Why wouldn't she accept, right? After a moment of observing them, she asked.

"Where are you guys going?"

"I was waiting for that question," Akagi replied. "We got a practice game against Takezono High, the one we played against before."

Her eyes blinked for a moment before remembering quiet memories, then she smirked. "Oh, the one where the red hair back there almost punches the star player?"


"Why? It's true though, when that news reached Kaito-senpai, you almost had your club taken down again. You should be all thankful to Akagi-san, Ayako-san, and Anzai-sensei. You of all people should avoid being involved with troubles, Sakuragi."

"I get it, I get it." The red-haired mumbled by himself, with a small whisper at the end. "I'm a tensai after all. I'm a sportsman ya know!"

"She can be cruel sometimes." She heard Miyagi whisper.

"Most of the time." Mitsui, shaking his head, disagreed.

After a while of banter, Rukawa felt the urge to stand. Not really like how she was laughing with Mitsui and his old uncle's jokes. In addition to that is his upperclassman, Miyagi simping right in front of him. What a scene. So, he just straight up went to the bench, where she's crossing her legs, sitting, arms crossed, bickering with Mitsui. When he sat beside her she didn't even budge a bit and just continued to bicker with his upperclassman.

"Why are you still here?" He asks, straight and glaring at her.

"Hey, I was serious about inviting her idiot! Don't ruin my plans!"

She glanced at him beside her, amusement can be seen in her eyes. "You wish for me not to accompany your team?"

He continued his glares. "Yes."

She laughed at that, shaking off Mitsui who was throwing his tantrum to his not faltering kouhai.

"Let him be. He's still bitter because I rejected him."

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