Part 5 : Harry's Professor Rosier (2 of 2)

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"Congratulations! You just reviewed one of the most biased books in history!" Harry joked, grinning. "Now you can do whatever you want with the book: throw it away, return it, burn it- I don't care. I don't want to see that book in this class after today. Moving on. . ." Harry trailed off, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Who knows the difference between dark and light magic?"

Marcus Abbot was the first to raise his hand, eager to make up for his earlier embarrassment. "Dark magic is malicious while light magic-"

"Wrong, Ms. Prewitt?"

"Light magic is defensive-"

"Wrong, anyone else?"

No one else raised a hand, confused glances and whispers drifting through the room, and a handful of the "evil" students that belonged to dark families waited in anticipation for what-they hoped-Professor Rosier was trying to say.

"There is no such thing as dark and light magic," Harry said, sighing slightly as numerous angsty teenagers jumped out of their seats, loudly proclaiming that he was mistaken, that he didn't know what he was talking about, blah blah blah.

"Sit! Down!"

Silence filled the room at the snappish, cold tone.

"There is no such thing as light and dark magic. Light and dark are political labels, not classifications of magic. Those that deem themselves light promote the idea of muggle integration within wizarding society while those that deem themselves dark reject the motion. Light wizards want to modernize wizarding customs to match muggle customs while dark wizards want to hold on to Pagan traditions.

"The debate between light and dark factions has lasted centuries, and one tactic to undermine the dark faction was to start labeling harmful magic, such as the Cruciatus curse, as dark magic, therefore forging a connection between the dark faction and aggressive magic."

Harry paused in his explanation, allowing for the information to sink into the student's brains, knowing that most were ignorant of the information he was lecturing about. Even most dark families were ignorant of the dark faction's origins.

Harry took a deep breath and continued his lecture. "However, times change and with it changes what dark and light politically represent. Do you have a question, Mr. Nott?"

Thaddeus Nott nodded, and Harry motioned for him to speak. "You said that there is no such thing as dark and light magic, but you have a Masters in the Dark Arts. Doesn't that contradict what you said?"

Harry blinked, whispers breaking out once more in the classroom, before he smiled, his dimples flashing as he looked appraisingly at Thaddeus. "Good catch, Mr. Nott. Take five points for Slytherin.

"While I said that there is no such thing as dark and light magic, there are light arts and dark arts. Notice the word choice here-art, not magic. To study the Dark Arts means to study Pagan rituals, practices, traditions, etc. and applying that knowledge to craft new spells, potions, jinxes, you know it. For example, one Pagan tradition involving the Wild Hunt was to wear rowan berries and four-leaf clovers to prevent the fae from kidnapping them. A Dark Arts Master would then investigate the protective properties of rowan berries and four-leaf clovers and replicate the results into a piece of jewelry that protects its wearer. If you would like to read more about the Wild Hunt and Pagan traditions, I suggest visiting Flourish and Blotts for a light overview. For more in-depth information, try visiting Borgin and Burkes with an adult. That store should hold more. . . let's say unfiltered information.

"Inversely, studying the Light Arts means studying modern muggle technology and making new spells and magic off of that knowledge. For example, a Master in the Light Arts would study chemistry and physics to craft a new lightning-based spell. In summary, the Dark Arts is culture based and the Light Arts are science based. Any questions before I move on?"

Eileen Prince raised her hand, her dark eyes seeming to pierce into Harry's very soul. Like mother like son he supposed. "Yes, Ms. Prince?"

"Is it possible to combine the Dark and Light Arts successfully?" She asked, blunt and straight to the point.

"Yes, Ms. Prince. Such has been classified as the Grey Arts, which is significantly harder to be a practitioner in. Being a Master of the Grey Arts requires a Mastery in the Dark and Light Arts before further study, and wizards don't generally live long enough to scope out the full capabilities of the Grey Arts. Can anyone guess the only wizard and witch that were to be able to uncover one facet of the Grey Arts?" Harry challenged lightheartedly, smiling slightly when one hesitant hand was raised from the Ravenclaw section.

"Yes, Ms. Lovegood?"

"Is it Perenelle and Nicolas Flamel?" Ester Lovegood asked softly. She was very much like his old friend, Luna Lovegood, whom Harry missed with a throbbing ache. He always hated leaving the people in his past lives, but that was life.

"Correct, Ms. Lovegood. 5 points for Ravenclaw. Perenelle and Nicolas Flamel combined a Pagan ritual for good health and long life with alchemy and muggle chemistry to create the Philosopher's Stone. Yes, Mr. Lupin?"

"What is alchemy?" Lyle Lupin asked, feeling surprised that he was so engrossed with the lecture. Usually he would fall asleep when the teachers started lecturing.

"Alchemy, an art unfortunately lost in modern wizarding society, is transforming matter to be different that its initial state. Transfiguration is the surface of Alchemy, but Alchemy is micro-based, permanent, and much more complicated than transfiguration. If you would like more information on alchemy, feel free to approach Professor Dumbledore with any questions. He is sure to have some contact with the Flamels, considering his Mastery in Transfiguration. Now, no more questions. We must go back to today's lesson plan." Harry chuckled, walking behind his desk to grab his water bottle, gulping gratefully to wet his parched throat.

Tom felt his respect for Professor Rosier grow into admiration. It was rare for Tom to be so captivated with a lesson, and yet here he was, leaning at the edge of his seat to hear the Professor's honey-toned voice clearer. The fact that Professor Rosier new enough about the Dark, Grey, and Light Arts to go off on a well-organized tangent about them spoke volumes on how in-depth his knowledge was. It was inspiring; it made Tom want to know everything Rosier knew. Tom had carefully written down all off Professor Rosier's suggestions for gaining knowledge on the topics he reviewed. He was even willing to visit Dumbledore if it meant that he could get in contact with the Flamels!

Tom, obviously, burned for more knowledge. One day, he swore to surpass Harrison Rosier in knowledge, and he had a feeling that Rosier wouldn't be the slightest bit affronted when it happened, only proud, because that was just the type of person that Harrison Rosier seemed to be.




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