Dear Jo- He wasn't drunk.

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This one kind of feels rushed to me, but I'm trying to clear out a lot of the partials I have written. I could definitly come back to this, but I don't know yet. Hope you enjoy!

Dear Jo, 

I am going to be honest with you. Quarantine sucks. I wish I could go to my dad’s house and see everyone, but we have only been back from Australia for a week. I can’t risk that. I wish I could have quarantined with Shayne, but decisions made on the plane are making that very awkward right now. 

I know I left you home so I didn’t lose you, but here’s what happened. Our trip started in Melbourn (3 days), then we went to Sydney (2 days), and we ended in the Gold Coast (3 days).

In Melbourn, we did the Supernova expo. We had two days of meet and greets, shows, question and answer and other other fan related activities. Of course I loved every bit of it. I love seeing the fans and interacting with them. Shayne has said it before, he doesn’t know who gets more excited, me or the fans, but I will write more about the events later. After the second day of the expo, we went off on our own to explore. We had dinner as a group on night one and day three we did some sightseeing together, but day two we were able to roam free. Damien and Ian had already taken off looking for some restaurant they both heard about from fans, Sarah was in our room video chatting with Claudio before her and Matt were going off touring. That left me and Shayne so of course, Shayne equipped with his fanny pack and I with a fully charged phone ready for pictures, went exploring together. 

We decided to just stroll along the main drag, ducking into shops whenever I saw something a sibling might like or he saw a gift for his nieces and nephews. It was so easy to just be together. We had gone shopping together before but this was different. 

After strolling around for a while our stomachs started grumbling. We ducked into a brewery/arcade for food and we ended up with some drinks in our system too. We played different games like pinball and skee ball. Shayne leaned closer and closer until I was sure his back was resting on mine, but when I turned to check, he wasn't. 

Convinced my mind was playing tricks on me, we continued playing games until the music started to pick up. The brewery arcade turned into a nightclub, ready for dancing, drinking, and in my case, something I would have never expected. 

I was dancing to the beat of the music, my hips swaying and just buzzed enough to feel free without losing control. The music seemed to wrap itself around me like a blanket calming my mind and allowing me to move however my body wanted to. Not before long, I felt hands on my hips, caught off guard ready to turn around and tell the person to let go when I heard a whisper in my ear, asking if this was okay. 

That's right Jo, Shayne m******f****** Topp had his hands on my hips. I didn't tell him no. Instead I pushed my butt further into him and started circling my hips to the beat. I'm not going to lie. I don't know where the confidence came from. We hadn't had enough alcohol to be confident enough, but there I was grinding on Shayne as he pulled me to him. 

Soon his lips were on my neck. Slowly leaving kisses, he seemed hesitant like I would run. But I didn't want to. I threw my head back to rest on his shoulder exposing more skin to his soft lips. 

I could feel him getting hard behind me and I knew I was wet without even having to feel. I knew I wanted Shayne Topp. Jo, I told you I was crushing hard. But does he want me or is this a fun time in Australia that stays in Australia. 

I hated to be the party pooper, but I pulled Shayne to a quieter part of the brewery. I was shaking trying to breathe, but I had to ask. Before I had the chance to, I was up against the wall.

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