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So I'm home on forced quarantine because I'm awaiting my covid test results. I just had diarrhea for 3 days, but apparently it's a symptom of covid so there's that. Anyways, I am trying to finish like 6 one shots that all need an ending. So here's one if Courtney went out clubbing with Smosh as Boho. Enjoy.

Courtney's POV

She looked in the mirror in the dressing room. It's 5 pm on a Friday, Smosh just finished a shoot day and now they are getting ready for a night out. Everyone was in different spots getting ready while Courtney sat contemplating her outfit.

The last sketch of the day featured Brianna Boho and she wasn't ready to step out of the role just yet. As Boho, she always gets to flirt and let her inhibitions fly. Specifically, she flirts with Shayne in ways she wishes she dared to do otherwise.

She likes Shayne. She knows everyone, but Shayne knows it. However, admitting that could cost her best friend. At least under the guise of Brianna, most of the time she was able to use video shoots as her excuse.

Her Boho act is how she's kept these feelings hidden instead of exploding and making things messy. Her cover, that if anything was said wrong, she could blame it on a character choice.

Now, she hasn't missed Shayne's glances or the feel of his hard-on during shoots. She knows she presses his buttons. Her costume choices are more provocative while still being in the same vein as her normal fashion sense. Her words and actions are even more so. What she doesn't know is if it means something or a physical reaction to the absurdity.

All of this flowing through her mind as she thinks. She's sick of being frightened. She wants to use the parts of Boho that lets her shamelessly come on to Shayne. The character gives her the confidence to care less and just feel.

What she does want is Shayne and she's sick of waiting. With her mind made up, she takes off the Boho heels for something that won't feed into Shayne's height insecurity. She keeps the nails but loses some of the chains. She touches up her makeup, adding lipstick to her look.

She is debating her shirt choices when she notices one of Shayne's flannels hanging on the end of a clothing rack. The article of clothing he probably forgot between changing for scenes now seems like the perfect finish to her look. The black skin-tight mini skirt, fishnets, and black lace bralette with his flannel loosely hanging off her frame.

Looking in the mirror one more time, she's ready to party. Gathering her things she heads out to the bullpen to meet with the others.

As she enters the room, Olivia gives her a look and a wink. Olivia knows the plan since Courtney wanted to make sure it wasn't stupid. With Olivia's support, Courtney's ready for whatever happens next.

Ian orders pizza and the staff all start to pregame. The usual is always dinner and games, then once everyone is all set, they walk to the bar.

"Pizza's here," Ian shouted to the crowd. Courtney waited, heading over for a beer before wanting to approach the pizza. A certain dirty blond-haired boy had the same thought.

Courtney lets her eyes rake over him while he is oblivious to her presence. He cleaned up well himself. A dark wash pair of jeans that hugged him in all the right places and a leather jacket over a simple t-shirt.

She popped open a beer for him, alerting him that she was there. With an outstretched hand, she offers him a beer, but he's frozen. Or so she thought because before she had time to make a joke, the beer was out of her hand and he was walking back towards the pizza.

Courtney couldn't help but watch in shock as he walked away. She has no idea what happened, but she contemplates changing her outfit. This is a stupid plan. It takes everything in her not to fall apart.

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