Late Night Live Tinder- Revenge- Courtney's POV

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It's next week. Shayne and I got carried away, but later discussed what we wanted. We told Damien and Olivia, but no one else yet. Shayne and I have kept it a secret at work, but the last few days have been full of shared dinners, falling asleep next to each other, and planning revenge. We were okay with everyone knowing, but if they knew we wouldn't be able to torture Ian. 

Sure, Shayne and I became Shourtney because of it, but Ian tricked us and potentially ruined our friendship. He didn't just mislead us, he flat out lied. Plus Damien might like the new girl Kimmy. We don't need Ian ruining any other potential relationships with his "bright" ideas. 

We have spent the last few days "ignoring" each other. We have cut back our banter. Ian keeps giving us nervous looks. Looks of worry and concern. He hasn't spoken to us yet, he's been keeping his distance. 

Today, Shayne and I are supposed to team up to write a skit. We all planned to pair off in various areas around the bullpen. Shayne and I might joke around a lot, but when it comes to writing we make one hell of a team. Since we aren't filming and were paired up, we decided it was a great time for plan Shourtney. 

I look across the desks to see Shayne give me a wink. Game time. 

"Courtney, are you ready to start writing?" Shayne asks, laptop in hand as if we were actually going to write. Just as we had rehearsed. 

Taking a deep breath, I raise my voice. "Shayne I don't want to do anything with you. You set me up and embarrassed me. Am I just a joke to you?" I need to look anywhere but his eyes. If I look at him, I will break. 

"What do you mean I embarrassed you?" Shayne yells back. "You screwed up my chances of finding a girlfriend. What is wrong with you?" 

"You are worried about finding a girlfriend? That's all that mattered to you? So, let's bring Courtney along. Why not, it's good content for the channel. I won't mind." My voice raises more and Shayne and I are inching closer. 

Ian is peeking his head out of his office. Good we peaked his interest. The whole office is staring at us. Some of our coworkers were silently talking trying to figure out what's going on. Many still don't know about the video shoot. 

"You are so right. After 5 years of friendship, all I care about is using you for clickbait." Shayne gets louder and the vein on his neck pops out. "You really think I would use you like that?" 

"You set me up and you were going to put it up on the channel. So yes I do. You kept the video a secret to most of the office. Ashamed that someone would figure you out?" Shayne and I are inches away from each other. 

"You know what Shayne? I quit. I don't want to see you ever again." Ian is now running towards us. 

"Guys stop…" Ian yells, but Shayne cuts him off. 

"No, I'm going to quit. I want you out of my life." Shayne looks like he's about to break. It takes everything in me not to kiss him. "Ian I quit. I hope your video is worth ruining us." 

"Shayne, Courtney don't be rash. Listen to me." Ian hurries to say. 

"Ian there's nothing you can do. I'm sick of this dumbass. I quit," I get cut off by Ian. 

"Guys, you didn't do this to each other. I orchestrated the whole thing. I thought it would give you the push you needed. Guys, I am so sorry this is all my fault. Please don't quit." Ian has a hand on both of our shoulders. 

At the same time, Shayne and I shake Ians hand off our shoulders and turn to the door. 

"Guys, Courtney, I lied to you. I lied to you both making it seem like I wouldn't pick a person you know. How else was I going to get you to agree. Guys, don't quit. We need you both." Ian pleads. 

Convinced Ian has had enough, Shayne grabs my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. I don't have to see Ian's face to know his jaw is on the floor. 

We turn around to face Ian again. We try hard to contain our smiles. "Babe, that was the hardest character to keep. Nice playing with you," Shayne says before he starts cracking up. 

I hug Shayne close as I start cracking up myself. 

"WAIT. What the hell is going on?" Ian screams. 

"You really thought we wouldn't get revenge Ian, really? You tricked us. You did almost ruin us." I say. "You are lucky this was the result." 

"Wait, so no one is quitting?" Ian asks nervously. 

"No we aren't quitting. Are you going to pull a trick like this again?" Shayne asks with his arm resting on my shoulder. 

"I am sorry you two. I thought you would be strong and wanted you to be happy. My heart was in the right place even if my actions weren't." Ian sighs. "I love you two. I want the best for you. Someone had to push." 

"We might have needed a push. But don't lie to us. You are lucky we are good. Come on Shayne let's get to writing, shall we boyfriend?" 

"Of course, girlfriend." Shayne says before he kisses my cheek. 

Our coworkers are still confused, but some cheer and some start making comments about how they knew we would end up together. 

Damien and Olivia look to us and say, "About time." 

Shayne pulls his chair over to my desk. "Okay. Let's get to work." 

The office settles into its normal hum. Shayne and I shared a look. We got payback and Ian, well if he knows what's good for him, will never pull a stunt like this again. Yet, Shayne and I have the video to thank. It's what we needed to become us. Just don't tell Ian that. 


I'm genuinely surprised no one has wrote anything similar to this, unless I'm missing one. If I am please let me know. It was fun to write Shourtney this way. It's even more fun to have them tag team on Ian.

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