Chapter 6

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I wake up at 5 am all sweaty, oh no I have to take a shower again. I look over to Sarah's bed and it's empty, I get really worried and want to call her but I can't because we haven't exchanged numbers yet.

I go and take a quick shower and when I come back she's still not back. She has to be at Liam's, I hope they're having a lovely time. I do my usual ritual and put on a beautiful black dress that ends right above my knees, it's a hot sunny day today so far so I think this will be okay. My hair is in its natural flat locks, I think I'm kinda pretty today. I'll have to buy a new dress today to the basketball match tomorrow, and I think they will arrange a party afterwards which Sarah wants me to join.

My day starts good because Zac isn't in the literature class today either, the day goes on with lame teachers talking about nothing, really. I'm nervous as hell for science, I don't want him to be there. Please skip this class too Zac. I walk inside the science class, over to my seat. I can't see Zac anywhere yet, but he rushes in before the old lady closes the door. Damn it. He walks over to sit next to me, he smells the same as last time, lovely. As the lady starts talking about electricity, Zac whispers something in my ear but I ignore him. He elbows me and says "You can't ignore me forever" loud enough so we get a few "shh" from the other tables around us.

"I think I've said enough to you" I whisper to him. "What are you doing after school?" He asks me as a whisper, good for you Zac. "Not your business" I whisper back to him, "Tell me" he commands. "Shut up, I'm trying to focus!" I whisper harsh to him, "No, I won't stop until you start to speak" he say louder. "No, shu-" I'm interrupted by the old lady, Ingrid I believe her name is, asking "Is there anything you want to share to the rest of the class Emma and Zachary?" I give Zac a death glare before answering, " No I was just helping Zac, he didn't understand" Zac gives me a look that says "why did you say that" but I just shrug my shoulders at him. "Well that's nice of you Emma" she responds and continue to talk about electricity. Zac stays quiet for the rest of the lecture, which makes me happy.

"We won't have science tomorrow since we have the big game" she says and claps her hands "So have a nice weekend everyone" she almost shrieks and with that the school day is finally over. I run out of class to flee from Zac but he catches up and stops me with his hands swinging me into his chest, "What do you want Zac?" I ask trying to escape, not the first time. He lets go of me and walks away, that was easy but weird.

The day ends with me lying on my bed with tons of bags from Forever 21, I start to pack up my things as I hear a knock on the door. I wish I could see who stands on the other side of the door sometimes and now is one of them, I open the door to see Jason standing there with a bleeding nose.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I take him by his arm and lead him to sit on my bed,
"Nah it's nothing" he tries to convince me but I won't by it. "Of course it's something, who hit you?" I ask really worried.

"You won't be surprised when I tell you" he says as the blood continues to stream from his nose, I place tons of paper in his nose in a try to stop it. "No, why?" I ask curiously, "It was Zac" he answers and tilts his head down but I lift it back up, wait...did he just say Zac?? The realization hits me and I freeze.

"What?!" I raise my voice. "Yeah.." He trails off, "Why did he hit you?" I raise my eyebrows in confusion, "I told him to grow up and start to treat girls the way they should be treated" he informs me. "And he hit you?" I'm still confused, why would he hit him because of that? Well it is Zac so I guess he can do everything that comes in his way.

"Yeah, we have a past together so I guess he needed it" he admits, what? A past together so he needed it, what past? I decide to keep those questions for myself and help Jason out, but I will talk to Zac tomorrow if I get the chance. Probably at the party after the basketball game.
I'm so sorry for the wait but school takes all my time :((( Please help my story grow by vote and comment, I really appreciate your opinions! Should I continue this story? My birthday is on Friday btw, 20 March. I'm turning 15, it's a kinda big deal for me you I wish a cake with a photo of Zac on the marzipan this year, I hope my wish comes true! I will post a picture of it if I get it, promise. Bye Zattackers, see ya soon :) my IG is @ mr.efron

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