Chapter 2 - Lysandra

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A/N: I know I said I wouldn't publish today, but think of it as a parting gift!

know u will know why Lysandra & co. ended up in Pythian

And it wasn't by accident


And don't forget to vote (^∀^●)ノシ

I now understand why Aelin hid from her throne

Sorry if that isn't how she would word it

all of these politics and on and on...

she looks so bored sitting in her throne.

A lone ruler...

Oh yeah, Rowan doesn't exist in this story

I have bigger plans for Aelin

I grin at her from my place besides her.

She doesn't even look my way

I check the sun Dias

it's 5:00pm

"I believe that's all we have time for. sorry gentlemen/males, you will have to leave now" I say in their direction.

They all glare at me and slowly trudge out of the room.

"Thank you Lys, 5 more minutes and I would've burnt this room to ashes just to get out of boredom!"

I smirk at her, "No problem. BTW, I invited some guests over"

she raises her eyebrow, "who exactly do i have to deal with tonight?"

"only everyone"

"i have a better idea. wait outside with them for 5 minutes please"

i give her a sus look and do as she said, hearing no noise. 5 minutes later, we all walk in.

Aelin is not there

but a huge, glowing hole in the ground is.

Aedion jumps in without a second thought, the Cadre following straight behind him, along with Elide

I take a moment to marvel at how brave these people are, always going where their queen goes, before jumping in straight after them


We land in the middle of what seems to be a meeting. A very...sexual meeting.

A female wearing a pale blue cloak has a red haired male shackled to a rock, with his shirt off. she seems to be trying to seduce him with her touch.

she has just taken off her own shirt when they see us

relief flashes across the males face as the female puts her shirt back on in a hurry.

Aelin is nowhere in sight.

Aedion decides to play the courtier, obviously knowing what Aelin is up to.

"Hello. I am Aedion Ashryver, General of Terrasen. Do you mind telling us where we are?"

The male gasps out, "The Spring Court. I have never heard of Terrasen. What court is it in?"

Aedion looks confused, "Terrasen doesn't belong to any court other than the court of Queen Aelin, Ruler of Terrasen." He begins to speak again, but someone interrupts. Fenrys. "What are your names?"

The male responds again, " I am Lucien Vanserra, Emmisary of the Spring Court, The High Lord Tamlins Second in Command"

Fenrys looks at the female, "and you?"

"Ianthe, High Priestess of the Spring Court"

She smirks as if she is actually important

"Never heard of you" Aelin says


She has appeared right behind Ianthe, holding Damaris to her throat. "but i have 1 question. Is Lucien Vanserra chained to that rock by his own will?"

She manages a nod, "yes" she croaks

Aelin rolls her eyes, "Lysandra, if you will"

I grin and sprint towards the Emmisary, turning into a ghost leapord and ripping the chains of him, happy at the sight of blood.

He stumbles away from the rock, Lorcan tossing him his shirt.

Aelin cracks Ianthes arms and legs  before dumping her in a heap on the ground, "I don't like liars, Ianthe"

the she turns to Lucien, "Now, where is this High Lord of you mentioned?"

We don't get anywhere before a swirl of shadows and darkness appears before us. When it clears away, two female faes are standing in front of Lucien, "Looks like we got here just in time Amren"


The 2 females completely ignored Lucien as they survey our group. The one with the eyes of smoke and short black hair - Amren - says, "Feyre, darling, there is quite a few of them. I thought there were only 5?"

The girl with the brown-red hair simply shrugs, "we'll have to make multiple trips"

Aelin, at these point, wasn't looking to happy, "you let him escape" she says, not a question.

the two strangers turn around, to see Lucien Vanserra gone.

Aelin smirks, "Your left" 

The one named Feyre looks at Aelin quizzically before turning to her left, and stumbling back in shock, quickly recovering.

"Tamlin" She whispers, all warmth gone from her face and tone.

the new fae, long haired blond bitch by the looks of it, smirks at her, "Hello Feyre darling, come crawling back to meor is LADY of the Spring Court still not good enough for you. Still need to be High Lady or are you sick of little Rhysand?"

Tamlin (the Tool) seems to have hit Feyre's nerves, but the other one, Amren steps in front of her, "other way round, BUDDY, Feyre LEFT YOU. Get over your miserable little life"

I look at Feyre, who hasn't said anything for ages

A smile light up her face and eyes, but she remains silent. She touches Amren on the shoulder, and the seem to have a mind t mind conversation.

They turn towards us, smiling kindly (well, Amren TRIES, but fails).

Tamlin takes a step towards Feyre, but Feyre has her own defences.

A barrier of fire shots up around tamlin and Lucien, but lucien rids of it with his own magic so Feyre swaps it for a barrier of darkness, grinning like a devil as it goes up.

Only now do i realise that only myself and Aelin are left

Amren must have taken everyone else.

Feyre offers her hand, and Aelin grabs it. they smile a smile at each other that only fire breathing bitch queens would use.

i accept her other hand, and before we vanish, feyre removes the barrier around tamlin, waving goodbye as we vanish into pure black.

A/N: COOL!! nearly a thousand words

- She Who Ships Aelin and Azriel

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