Chapter 7 - Mor

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Cassian seemed surprised that Az had run away.

But then again, so was everyone else in the dining room.

Except for Celaena.

She simply just stood there, picking at her nails.

Rhys then recovered from his shock, "Az was able to tell me the basics before he...departed. It seems we have a queen in our presence."

I slowly blink my eyes.

Celaena seems to be having a staring competition with my High Lord.

She speaks, the coldest I've ever heard her voice, "Really, Rhysand? A queen? I think you've lost your mind"

I don't like this Celaena.

We all know how easily she could kill us, even though she only has the powers of the autumn court.

She seems to sense what I am thinking

"In Case you were wondering, Mor, I'm am not related to ANYONE in your world. And definitely that bitch you are thinking about right now. My...powers come from a goddess, Mala."

Someone gasps, "Mala fire-bringer? the goddess of the sun? Lady of fire?"

Celaena smirks, "Well done, Amren. You've done some research on my realm."

How would AMREN know about their world?

What does Amren know that her High Lord and Lady does not?

Rhys then decides to end Celaena's winning streak, " Well, Aelin, why don't you tell us who the queen is? Oh, that's right, its-"

"Me. Queen Aelin. But I prefer to be called Fire Breathing Bitch Queen."

"And what about your child? The one who shares your last name? What was is? Oh, I know. RIDICULOUSLY LONG"

There was only one other person in this room who I knew had I ridiculously long last name.

And Rhysand is staring right at her.

Aelin stiffens, "none of your business. As you said, I'm a queen. Don't question me."

Lysandra shuffles around in her seat nervously, "Aelin, I'm not sure this is a good idea..."

But Aelin isn't listening to her friend. Anger is radiating off her.

 I realise why at the same time as Lysandra.

Her power hasn't been let loose in...who knows how long.

I must've been driving her insane.

She can't hold it any longer


Rhys, Feyre, Amren and Cassian throw out their shields, all of the hoomans, Lysandra, and myself jumping behind it...

 just as Aelin smiles and runs away, Lysandra following her, giving us a feline smile before turning into a Quetzalcoatlus(it's the largest dino that existed - I just needed a big animal that could fly) and picked Aelin up in her talons.

Heading in the direction of the spring Court.

She was going to unleash her magic on Tamlin.

To get her court back

I really admire this girl.

Well, THAT was fun!

I hope you enjoy this special kind of torture, cuz I don't plan on stopping!!

again, you. are. Welcome


-She Who Ships Aelin and Azriel

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