A rather rude wake up call

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As the wind whips on the window outside and the rain hits just as hard, the early morning sun never peaks from the dark and brooding rain clouds.

I pull a striped shirt over my head and followed by a red flannel.

And to finish it off I slip my feet into a pair of old combat boots.

"Rain! Hurry up or else we will miss the bus!" Ironic I know, it's raining and my name is Rain.

Well I chose this name so I will stick with it!

I run down stairs and grab my satchel that holds all of my school supplies in it for the day.

Finally out the door I meet up with Rocket, who also chose his own name.

"Come on!" He grabs my arm and leads me towards the yellow bus while shielding us from the rain.

As we step into the vehicle, we head straight to an empty seat and sit down.

Rocket shakes his head, making drops of water fall onto mostly everyone around us.

"Watch it Ro!"

"Yeah! Watch it!"

He just laughs it off and looks over to me.

"Now, Rain about that homework..." he smiles just like a cat.

"No way dude, you can do your own homework" I push him away and look out the window.

After a few more minutes of driving and lots of noise we arrive at school.

As we depart from the bus, Rocket and I bid our goodbyes as we leave to go to our classes.

I have gym so I take a quick walk over to the hall, where most of my class is already there.

"You're late Ms Romana! Go wait outside" the gym teacher points back to the door.

Standing outside of the hall and in the clear from the rain, I gaze out into the trees.

But on the corner of my vision, I spot a man who is very tall and has long black hair.

"Who would be outside on a day like this" I say to myself while trying to see who that man is.

"Ms Romana, this is the third thorn this week you have been late" the teacher stands in front of me with a hint of anger to her face.

"I know Miss but I have-"

"That's enough excuses, you will have detention for the next week, go now to collect your note" she waves me off and leaves me in the rain.

With a huff I make my way towards the office.

But halfway there I decide to divert from my original path and into the forest.

As the rain drops slow because of the trees above, I take a seat against a tree.

I know that I am going to get sick with all of the constant rain but it's better than being misgendenered and bullied by other students and teachers.

As I am just about to relax I hear leaves crunching behind me.

Of course! How could I forget that guy in the forest!

I spring up onto my feet and take to a run.

Past every tree I hear the crunching of the leaves grow louder and louder.

Until I quickly turn left past a tree stump.

With the adrenaline and fear keeping me moving I don't notice the big ditch until i fall into it.

I close my eyes expecting a hard landing but it never comes.

I open my eyes to see lots of different items stuck into the surrounding walls like clocks, beds and other strange items.

As I'm falling I look downwards to see what looks to be a throne room?

With a crash I land in the throne room with a thud.

As I look around I see a very fancy looking throne room that is decorated with red, white and black.

"And who might you be?" A very familiar voice speaks from the big heart shaped throne.

I look up to see the red queen in all of her glory.

"I am Rain Romana" I say in a strained voice.

"And how did you get into MY castle" she asks while standing up from her throne.

Only now I notice the amount of people that are present in the room, from frogs to humans with particular body parts.

"I fell from the roof by usingggg... magic! Yes, I had heard of your excellence and I just had to see for myself, so I transported myself from my town to your presence" I state.

Thank the gods I take acting classes.

"So you used magic to get to me?" She smiles sickenly sweet with her ego being filled.

"Yes your majesty" I stand up and bow slightly.

She clicks her tongue and turns to her court.

"Get this magic user some dry clothes! And make it quick!" She commands, making her court and servants run to fill her need.

"Now tell me about your magic ability"

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