6 Jueyun Chili Sauce

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One school week had passed since Xingqiu enrolled in his new class, and no one has been impacted by it more than Chongyun. Not long after their meeting in the canteen washroom, just as Aether had foretold, Xingqiu was paired up with Chongyun for their geography project, and then for their literature project, and after that for a history assignment. Since the mid-year assessments were already in full swing, it was too late for Chongyun to object to the impromptu addition of a partner, so this was his life now, and he had to get Xingqiu up to date with the down low of all his plans.

He had suggested that they stay back at school for that, but Xingqiu insisted that he couldn't do weekdays. Instead, Xingqiu suggested that they meet on Saturday for the discussion. Chongyun was initially annoyed that he had to surrender one of his weekends to fulfil Xingqiu's request, but he couldn't help feel a bit excited at the idea of Xingqiu visiting his home.

Chongyun woke earlier than usual on the morning of their meeting, and got out of bed unwillingly after failing to go back to sleep. The anticipation of their meeting was gnawing on his mind, as he ran through countless scenarios of what to expect. He would have been less anxious if not for the pressure of having Xingqiu over for the very first time. Though they were on friendly terms now, he still wanted to make a good impression.

He still had 5 hours before Xingqiu would arrive. He made his bed and went around tidying his room, arranging his books and putting away pieces of clothing into the closet. He went through the notes and materials he had prepared last night for the hundredth time, and counted his pens and pencils and lay them beside the stack of notes. 

He looked around and spotted his paranormal novels and books lying on the desk, and tossed them into the desk drawer. He looked at the clock to find that only 5 minutes had passed. 

He took the materials and went to the kitchen for some popsicles.


The doorbell rang, Xingqiu had arrived 10 minutes early. Chongyun took a deep breath and went to greet his guest. He flung open the door and Xingqiu greeted him with a crooked smile. Xingqiu was carrying a black sling bag. He wore a dark blue army jacket over a white t-shirt, and a pair of denim shorts barely covered half his thighs, which caught Chongyun completely off guard. Xingqiu's bare legs were probably as fair as the parts that Chongyun could see, but he dared not ascertain at the moment.

"Morning, Chongyun. Let's get started. Oh, I bought you a gift! Consider it a token of appreciation for hosting me, and putting up with my request." Xingqiu handed over a fancy looking box.

"Oh. Thank you. This looks very nice." Chongyun accepted his gift. He had grown quite comfortable with Xingqiu, and didn't need to think twice about everything he wanted to say anymore.

Xingqiu entered the house, and was immediately blasted by the frigid temperature. He made no comment on it as he thought that would be rude. He greeted Chongyun's parents, and soon they both started their work on a large table in the dining hall. Chongyun went over his research idea about the farm irrigation system of Guili district for geography; A presentation on the major themes of Legend of the Shattered Halberd for literature; and a brief study of the Jade Palace for History, and they delegated the work.

Xingqiu listened as Chongyun talked at length about his ideas. He never expected that he would hear Chongyun speak so eloquently, and smiled at the thought of having this chance to see a new side of the usually timid boy.

"... and maybe we could add some legends about the Palace as well. For instance, when a previous version of the palace was a floating fortress, and how it was used to defeat an ancient sea god! They say it was intentionally awakened by the enemies of the state to ..." Chongyun noticed that Xingqiu was gazing emptily at him.

"Ah... but, I digress. What... what do you think so far?"

"I think... we should take a break. We've been at it for about 2 hours now."

"But we still have so much to do. I don't think we'll be able to finish in time if we-"

"A good respite is just as important as hard work... and I promise to cover any last-minute work if we overextend. Are these terms agreeable to you, my liege?" Chongyun reluctantly agreed. 

"Now come, you have to try the cake I brought you." Xingqiu dragged Chongyun to kitchen and unboxed the cake that he had brought. He cut a slice and served it on a plate.

"It's cheesecake with strawberry jam filling. You're not going to say no to this are you? Go on dig in." Handing the plate to Chongyun.

"Well, it would be rude to reject a gift. Thank you." Chongyun scooped some onto a fork and then into his mouth. The richness of the cheese permeated his taste buds, but it was almost immediately followed by a spiciness Chongyun had never experienced before. His Yang energy peaked.

Xingqiu looked on in anticipation for Chongyun's reaction. He had overheard from some classmates that Chongyun had a low tolerance for hot, and especially, spicy food. He had arranged for the baker to sneak Jueyun chili sauce into a small portion of the cake, so he could trick Chongyun into eating it.

"Hey, Xingqiu," Chongyun suddenly spoke. "Since the first day you walked into our class, I thought that you were the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on."

"Huh?" Xingqiu was not prepared for what he just heard.

"I didn't know what I was feeling at that moment, but all I wanted was to keep looking at you." Chongyun's face was red as he moved closer to Xingqiu. His composure was not something Xingqiu recognised. It was firm, unwavering, and a little dominating. Xingqiu's heart was the sound of a beating drum.

"Now, I think I know what that feeling was," Chongyun placed one cold hand on the side of Xingqiu's face, gently sweeping his hair behind his ears, sending a torrent of tingle down his neck.  

Then Chongyun leaned in and put their lips together.

Xingqiu tasted the cheesecake, and the Jueyun chili sauce, but that barely registered in his mind as Chongyun massaged Xingqiu's lips with his. The warm air from Chongyun's huffed breathing washed over his face. Nerves fired everywhere across Xingqiu's body, becoming paralysed as all his senses were locked on Chongyun.

Xingqiu thought of the kittens in the snow again, but this time they cuddled around Xingqiu as he too laid in the snow, his body embraced by both heat and cold. 

Chongyun backed away after what seemed to be an eternity, both their faces hot and red.

"What a cute face you're making right now."Chongyun smiled and then passed out on the kitchen floor.


Art by: Kuroha 1873




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