Chapter 7

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It's been three weeks since Y/n and Nino started dating. Of course, Nino told this immediately to her sisters which all the four of them have full support on. But one person bugged Y/n and Nino's mind... His name is Maruo Nakano, the father of the quintuplets. Y/n and Maruo may be close since Y/n was Maruo's former scholar but Y/n knows that Maruo can be very strict.

Today, Nino and Y/n are at the hospital with them knowing that Maruo has a free schedule today, they decided to announce it to him today.

"Y/n, are you nervous?" Nino asked.

"A bit... Nakano-san can be quite scary to approach." Y/n said.

"Don't be... Papa is nice, I think." Nino said, followed by a chuckle.

"Well, there's no backing out now." Y/n replied.

"Agreed." Nino said as she opened Maruo's office door. They saw Maruo looking at some papers as he stared at the two of them.

"Y/n, Nino, what can I do for you two? Is there something wrong with the cafe?" Maruo asked.

"No... We're here to say that me and Y/n are dating." Nino said, with Y/n nodding.

"Oh... I never thought something like this would come again... It's making me remember Fuutarou. But are you two here for my approval? It's a yes, I thought that was obvious enough." Maruo said, making Nino and Y/n smile from glee.

"Thank you, papa!" Nino said as she hugged Maruo.

"Anything for my daughters." Maruo said as he hugged her back.

"Anyways, we'll be going now. We have stuff to do." Nino said as she broke the hug, held Y/n's hand, and started to walk out.

"Wait. Y/n, stay for a moment, will you?" Maruo said, making Y/n gulp, nervous of what Maruo may say.

"Sure, Nakano-san." Y/n said as Nino left the room.

"Y/n... You know that I always want the best and that includes the best for my daughters." Maruo said with his usual cold tone, making Y/n more nervous.

"Yes, Nakano-san." Were the only words Y/n could say. Not knowing what to reply.

"You see, I don't know if you're the best for Nino..." Maruo said, making Y/n frown.

"I- I see... I know you're a hard man to please, Nakano-san. But-"

"I wasn't finished speaking, Y/n. Too nervous?" Maruo asked.

"Yes... I'm sorry for interrupting." Y/n replied.

"As I was saying, I want the best for my daughters and I don't know if you're the best for Nino... But it looks like Nino knows you're the best for her, so please take care of my daughter and love her with all of your heart. Failing to do so is a conversation for another day. I'll entrust her to you, Y/n. Don't disappoint me, I'm counting on you." Maruo said, making Y/n regain his smile.

"Thank you, Nakano-san! I promise I won't disappoint. Also the cafe may be finished earlier than the expected date!" Y/n said, more cheerfully now, losing all the nervousness he had a while ago.

"Then that's good to hear. You may go out now, Nino's waiting for you." Maruo said as Y/n obliged and left.

As Y/n exited the room, he saw Nino waiting for him.

"So, what did papa say?" Nino asked.

"Nothing, he just asked how the cafe was doing. Let's go now." Y/n said, saying a white lie for Nino to not know about such an event that frightened Y/n to the spine.

"You know you had it easier compared to Fuutarou." Nino said.

"Oh, I know... Itsuki told me all about it but it is what it is and at the end Fuutarou got the happy end anyways. Everything worked out just fine, I guess." Y/n said.

"Papa is very hard to appease and both of us know that." Nino continued.

"I'm just built different." Y/n joked, making him and Nino laugh.

"I know."


It's been a year since Y/n and Nino started dating. Nino and Miku have now moved to their new and improved workplace. Y/n and Nino have now started living under the same roof, in Y/n's house.

Today, Y/n arrived at the cafe after a long and hard day of working.

"Hey cutie, I'm here!" Y/n said as he went behind the counter while getting the attention of others.

"Didn't I tell you to stop saying that? You'll scare off the customers." Nino said as Y/n kissed her on the forehead.

"They'll get used to it." Y/n said, followed by a chuckle.

"Alright, you also can't be behind the counter. We're about to close soon so you should just sit down at one of the free tables." Nino said.

"Alright, alright." Y/n said as he followed and sat down at the table near the entrance.

A few minutes later, Nino and Miku closed the cafe.

"Alright, I have to go now. See you tomorrow, Nino and Y/n." Miku said as she left the cafe.

"Cutie, it's only the two of us now. Let's go home now, shall we?" Y/n asked.

"Sure..." Nino said.

"So how was your day?" Y/n asked Nino while they were going to the car.

"It was fine, how about you?" Nino asked back.

"Oh, I spent the whole day thinking about you." Y/n teased, making Nino blush.

"Jeez, we've been dating for a year now and you still tease me like that." Nino remarked.

"Oh, we've been dating for a year but you still haven't gotten used to it. That makes us even." Y/n retaliated.

"Tch... I hate you, you always tease me and I always get irritated yet I don't want you to stop." Nino said.

"Is that your way of saying 'I love you'? If so, I love you too." Y/n said as he chuckled.

"Let's go home." Nino said as she went inside the car, followed by Y/n.

"Ah yes, the best part of the day is when you cook the two of us a very delicious dinner." Y/n said.

"There's no dinner for you if you continue to tease me." Nino exclaimed, to the disappointment of Y/n.

"Mou, fine... I'll stop." Y/n said, followed by a soft chuckle.

Disturbance - Nino Nakano x Male Reader (Quintessential Quintuplets)Where stories live. Discover now