Part 1

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It seemed good as it always does. The creatures or whatever they are, always seem helpful, like it’s for our good, not theirs. But as always, plans for us, change.  That’s what happened one smoggy day, as all days were smoggy. It is seven hundred years after they said there would be global warming or also called some places,  global changes. There was no warming, only changes. We were forced to wear something called smog suits. They covered us from head to toe, so none of the toxic nuclear air from after World War IV could get in our lungs. It worked pretty well. But still hundreds died everyday. That’s why when they came and said they could help us, we were desperate enough to agree.

Chapter 1

“Ilinka! Come on” That’s Gar. He’s my best friend. I have known him since I was eight. He has dark brown hair and grey eyes. He is tallish. And has squarish features, but also the best smile. He loves adventures, but is smart about what he does and how he does things. We both just turned fourteen. That means we change ships. It was a hard change. I liked my old room. I shared it with two other girls, Melba and Melek. They were both nice but also very shy. They had honey colored hair and soft brown eyes. They were always a bit nervous, but  I never saw  them frowning. The two were sisters, somehow they were in the same part of the ship in the same room. Everyone is supposed to get separated. I never really thought about it even though it was extremely rare and a little weird.

As Gar and I were running along looking at the new ship I noticed something weird in the wall. It looks like its a picture on a screen. A fake one. As I start to go towards the wall, I feel a gust of cold air and  I hear a scream. My spine tingles. The only other time I’ve felt air like that, was when I was two, before they took me and some other little kids  up into the space craft. I remember the screams, the yells, and the crying from everyone around me. I also remember that scream. Then I remember my parents. I haven’t seen them in twelve years. Are they alive? I remove the thought from my head, I won’t allow myself to think about that.

“Gar! Gar come here feel this!” I yell. He is far up ahead now. He turns around and starts jogging back to where I am. Once he is standing next to me another gust comes out. This time I don’t hear a scream. “What is that?” I ask. “I don’t really know...” He trails off at the end. We stand in silence for a few minutes. He looks at me then starts walking away. I follow him.

It’s almost time for the mid-day meal. My stomach is in knots. I didn’t eating anything this morning. We are served the usual grey glop. I’m not so hungry once I see it. Instead I’m wondering about  the gust and the scream. My mind is rushing with questions. Where could the scream be coming from? Who screamed? Where’s the air from? How could there be a gust of wind on a aircraft? And, what was behind that wall?

Chapter 2

Lunch is over. I’m sent back to my room to study. They force us to study about our past. About everything we did wrong. It’s depressing learning about it. I’m stuck in my room with Gerlinde. She claims her name is from the ancient language German. She says “ger” means spear and “linde” mean soft and gentle. They got the soft and gentle part very wrong, she is far from that. She reminds me more of a spear. Very sharp and stickish, always uptight. She is medium sized and very bulky, and she has straight black hair and dark eyes. Her voice

is very scratchy and unpleasant, I’m glad she doesn’t talk too much.

I go out the rooms door and go down the hall to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My crazy red and orange hair is all over, normally it is wavy with some curls, but today, it is in knots and in every direction. My bright green eyes are huge. My skin looks very pale. I’m worried and emotional. It’s been months maybe a year since I thought about my parents. I look skinny, I haven’t been hungry lately. I’ve been preoccupied. I thought it was just from changing ships. But now I think it’s more than that. But what? Something in my past seems to be nagging me.

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