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(A/N: fuck i remember writing this. how the hell did i not notice how cringe the first few chapters was? anyway. enjoy ur suffering of reading this)


Y/n's pov:

I laughed at the sight of fire burning the throne, what? How can I help it? I am the Goddess of chaos after all.

Why am I causing chaos though? Well, I don't want to be like those petty Midgardian "Movies" but it all started when...

-Reverse to yesterday-

Thor lifted his stupid hammer; I don't get it. I can lift it too, how come he's becoming King?

"It's not fair, Father!" I pouted.

"Thor can lift the hammer; therefore, he is worthy of becoming king." My father, Odin, said simply.

"But Y/n can lift it too!" my brother Loki said, defending me.

"He is older, he is my firstborn, therefore, he is the one becoming king." Odin replied, not wanting to start an argument.

"Oh, I get it now!" I said sarcastically, "You have to be the favorite child to be king! Makes total sense."

"Y/n. Do not talk to Father like that, he is to be respected." Said Thor in his red, amazing, super cool cape; I'm being sarcastic, he looks terrible in it.

"Oh, of course, Father's itty bitty favorite son, we should worship him because he loves you the most." I said, mockingly bowing.

"Y/n. Go to your room, now." Said Odin.

"What am I? eight? No. I'm almost a thousand and a hundred years old, Father. I'm not a child." I replied.

"Y/n. Don't. Your magic is getting out of control again." Said Loki, standing in front of me, my hands were forming orbs of green light.

(A/N: Like Wanda's magic orb thingies she does with her hand, but it's green)

"FINE! I'll go to my room, of course I should be treated like I'm eight. I MAY LOOK YOUNG BUT I'M NOT." I yelled furiously, walking to my room, and shutting the door.

""Go to your room" "I'm the boss" "Be respectful to Father" "Thor's becoming king"" I mumbled mockingly.

"You aren't the boss of me Odin. You aren't my father, Loki doesn't know that, but I know we're adopted. Oh, well, at least Mother is nice to me, even if she isn't my real one." I said.

"Y/n?" said a voice from outside the door, "Can I come in?"

"Who is it." I said, putting a pillow on my face and lying down on bed.

"It is I – Loki, son of Odin, God of Mischief –" Loki said, waving his hands. A few seconds later I cut him off.

"Ok, Ok! Come in." I replied.

He did as told.

"Are you ok?" he asked with a soft expression on his face.

"Obviously not." I replied.

"How can I cheer you up? Want a mini fireworks display?" he asked, removing the pillow off my face, and making fireworks, like a little projection of them come out of his hand.

"I remember you used to do that all the time when we were kids." I said, smiling slightly.

"Yeah. And the one time I turned into a snake, and Thor picked me up because he loves snakes, and I transformed back and went "Yeah! It's me!" And I stabbed him. Fun times." Loki said.

"Mhm. But you can't do that anymore, cause when he's king, he'll probably sent you to the dungeons for weeks if you even touch him." I said jokingly.

"The fun times can't last forever." He said.

"Indeed." I replied.

-Time skip: Back to present, where I am doing chaos-

So that's what happened. Little argument with father and I decide to cause chaos the next day, it's what I do!

Set fire to Thor's bright red cape, set fire to Odin's gold shit, set fire to EVERYTHING – except mine, Frigga's, and Loki's stuff, they're nice to me.

I then went to the Bifrost area thing, that's what I call it, luckily Heimdall wasn't there, so I took Mjolnir with no problem.

I "yeeted" Mjolnir, Thor's special, stupid hammer; "yeeted" is a phrase Midgardians use, right? I've been to Midgard a couple of times and some weird gangsters keep saying "yeet", then throw things.

I expected it to come back to me, cause I am worthy, but it went behind me.

Shit, Thor, and Odin are here.

I turned around, grinning cheekily at them, "Hello, Father, brother." I said.

"What have you done?" asked Thor, yelling, "You've caused chaos!"

"Exactly." I replied, "I am Y/n, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

They looked at me furiously.

"But I can't do it here, not when I'm being treated by Odin here, as if I'm eight." I continued, raising my eyebrows in a rather cocky way.


"Okay pick-me boy, listen up -"

"Silence!" Odin said, "Y/n, I am afraid you have cause too much chaos in Asgard."

"Yes?" I asked, "And?"

"Y/n, I hereby cast you out from Asgard for all eternity." He said.


All my shiny Asgardian clothes were replaced with jeans and a shirt, and I was pushed into the Bifrost, and I landed on top of a tall building.

"Who the hell are you?" asked a guy, stepping by me.

"Who are YOU?" I asked him, I was kneeling on the floor in pain, ow.

"Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist." Tony said.

"Y/n... um... L - uhh - Lee..? Yeah. Y/n Lee." I said, trying my best to come up with a decent name.

"Well, Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"It's a long story." I said, getting up and whipping my hair back.

(A/N: Anddd that's the prologue! Pretty good if I do say so myself.)

(A/N: Hi, future me here. No, past me, it is not pretty good. I hate it. I changed it. Dumb stupid bitch.)

Odin's youngest - Pietro Maximoff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now