Doesn't it suck being in a glass cage?

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up the next day, my body feeling sore and my head throbbing.

I turned my head around slightly to see Thor sitting on a chair, looking down, his eyes closed.

"On your left." I mumbled, and he opened his eyes, looking at me, his expression brightening.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "What's -" I began to point at some wrapped up food, my arm hurting as I pointed, "What's this?"

"Shawarma. Some food Stark bought." Thor explained.

I darted up, ignoring the pain flowing through my body, "Where's Loki?" I ask.

"Y/n, lie down, your body isn't fully healed yet, it may not be bleeding but it's damaged inside -" Thor says, but I cut him off.

"I'll ask you this one time. Where is Loki?"

"Y/n. Lie down." Thor responds.

"Where. Is. Loki."

"Y/n, lie DOWN."


"Loki's in the area..! With the - glass circle - uh - thing!" He replies, looking scared.

"He's where?"

"The place where Stark puts prisoners!"


"He attacked us, obviously!" Thor exclaimed.

"You dumbass! I'm gonna see him, right now." I say.

"No you can't! You can barely stand!" he says.

"Then I'll teleport." I shrug.

"Y/n. You don't understand -"


"Really? Then why can't you get out of bed?" Thor asks me.

"Cause I can't stand." I reply.

"Why can't you stand?" he asks again.

"Umm, dunno." I admit.

"The blade that stabbed you was a Chitauri blade, it was sort of curved, right?" Thor asks, explaining it with weird hand gestures.

"Yes..?" I reply, looking confused.

"Okay so that Alien blade affected your hips, affected your power..."

"Get to the point."

"You dislocated your hips and your power may not work."


"Well look who's awake and waking everyone up at 5am." said a voice, Tony.

"Hi Tony - ITS 5AM?" I asked.

"Yep." both Thor and Tony tell me at the same time.

"Come on Tony, don't you have some sort of robot thing that'll help me walk?" I asked him.

"Oh he told you, well, no." he tells me, "You're gonna be on a wheelchair for say... 1 and a half weeks."

"Oh come on." I said, groaning.

-Time skip: 2 weeks later-

Loki's pov:

I lay on the floor, Stark didn't even bother to give me even a pitiful mattress, I stared onto the ceiling with a bored expression on my face.

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