Panic attacks

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Y/n's pov:

I walked through the vents, crouching slightly, waiting for the right moment to jump out.

I peeked through the tiny gaps, waiting for the room to empty, when it did, I jumped out.

Unfortunately, the receptionist saw me, so I was forced to kill her, there should be no evidence.

I teleported behind her, strangling her, and tucking her body under the desk.

My mission was to kill a specific person, his name?  Regulus Black.

I went to the fifth floor where HYDRA told me his room was, I picked the lock to room number 517, and saw him fiddling with a stick, he looked at me, his eyes wide, and pointed his stick at me.

"Sir. Please put down the stick." I said, threatening him with a knife.

"No, I don't think I will." he said, and we got into a fight.

A blast of red light went towards me, but I dodged, I took his stick out of his hand using my magic, tossing it out the window, he looked at me, bent down when I went to kick him, punched my stomach. However, I entangled his neck with my arms, trapping him.

I put a knife next to his throat, but when it went on his skin, there was a odd noise, and he was gone. When I turned around, I saw the door was open, I'd forgotten to close it, and I saw a woman staring at me with wide eyes. Knowing what I had to do, I pointed a gun at her head and pulled the trigger.

I woke up from my dream, cold sweat trickling from my forehead, I walked outside my room, looking for a snack.

I heard a noise to my left, and immediately picked up a knife from the kitchen, pointing it to that direction.

"Y/n." Nat said putting her hands up.

"Oh it's you." I mumble, letting go of the knife, and it clatters on the ground.

"Y/n, are you okay?" she asks, walking towards me slowly.

"Nightmare." I say quietly.

My chest then begins to hurt and I begin breathing heavily.

"Y/n. No, shh, calm down. Calm down." Nat says comfortingly, grabbing my hand and holding it, yet it doesn't work.

I walk to the wall, putting my hand on it for support.

"No. No. No." I say as I realize I'm loosing control.

I feel the horns forming on my head again, my skin turning a shade of light blue.

"No. NO!" I say.

(A/N from future me: im sorry u have to go thru the torture of the dramaticness)

I fall to the floor, sitting down, breaking down in front of Nat. This is so embarrassing.

"Y/n." she says, crouching beside me.

"I'm a monster." I tell her, not looking up.

"No you aren't." Nat assures me.

"Don't try to make me better, Natasha!" I yell, looking at her with my icy white eyes.

"The nightmare.. What happened?" she asks me.

"Killed people.." I mumble, "I did it.. I murdered two completely innocent people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.."

"That wasn't you." says Natasha, "That was HYDRA controlling you. They made you do it."

"And I wasn't strong enough to wiggle out of their control without his help? He was the reason I escaped, if he didn't help me I wouldn't be here! I'm supposed to be  future Queen of Asgard if Thor dies! But I'm far from being one as California is from China." I tell her.

"Y/n. You aren't a Queen, or a monster." she says, "You're a Goddess."


"So who helped you escape Hydra?" Steve asks.

"The Winter Soldier..?" I say uncertainly.

He and Nat exchange glances and they turn back to me.

"Where is he now?" he asks.

"Dunno, Romania I think? Not sure." I say, eating my cereal.

Steve nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome?" I ask uncertainly, and he and Nat leave.

"Guys." Tony says, and we all turn to him, "Suit up, we've got a mission."

(A/N: Okay that wasn't the longest of chapters but I didn't want to include the whole Sokovia mission in this chapter because it would be too long, and uh, I'm prepping up my combat-writing-skills :D )

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