Chapter 32: One Month Later

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And so, here we are. Time to bid a fond farewell to the warm Spring and say hello to the heated Summer.

The next twelve days after my birthday were just... they were just absolute chaos. News about Melanie's survival, Crane's lie and Imran's death spread like wildfire and I don't think it helped matters that everyone in the Tower often gazed at my friend sympathetically or whispered from afar, when all she wanted to do was get back into the game and catch up with us. Also, we would both like to say a big Thank You to the unneeded gossip for bringing back horrible memories. Much appreciated! Not. But despite that and the horrific nightmares, Mel just soldiered on like a bl**dy boss and didn't take any cr*p from anyone.

Cue a moment where I pump my fists in the air and go: Yes, Queen!

Henry and Rahim also soldiered on like bosses, even though there were moments where I could tell that they felt just as guilty as I did for what happened in the Pit. The three of us frequently teamed up whenever someone was in need of assistance and we decided to use that time to confide in one about what was going on in our heads. They both believed that they too had failed Zere and Melanie by not acting sooner and... after we talked it over, we decided that it was best to try and look forward instead of dwelling on the past - despite that being easier said than done.

We just needed to remember that Mel was safe with us and hope that... hope that Imran was at peace now. I mean, that's all we could do, really.

Then, there was Crane. I don't think any of us wanted to address the situation with him further, especially Jade. The poor woman was...! She was almost a shell of her former self; always lashing out emotionally whenever someone mentioned his name, glaring hatefully at him every time she popped to the hospital and finally staring at Rahim and myself with utter disappointment - the latter which hurt a lot. We didn't know if she was doing this to get back at us for bailing him out or for some other reason - but whatever the case, it wasn't going to stop us from standing by our decision. Yes, he got some of our friends killed and yes, he lied to us - both of which are huge red lines - but he also did good for everyone and... more importantly, he was a friend.

If people weren't fuelled with hate, then maybe...! Augh, I'm diving into this too much, aren't I? Why don't we move on?

A knock on my bedroom door greeted my ears, prompting me to groggily turn my head to see Rahim peeking his head round the corner. "Hey, Libby. Sorry that I woke you up,"

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I said, pulling myself into a sitting position and tiredly rubbing my eyes. "What's up?"

"Not much," He tried to answer happily, despite fear visibly showing in his eyes. Oh no...

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

Hearing this, my best friend grimaced as he entered my room and closed the door behind him. "Okay, you got me. I'm... I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I..." A mildly annoyed yet amused sigh. "I could use some back up with my sister,"

"That's nothing to embarrassed about, mate," I reassured him with a grin. "I'll be out in a minute, alright?"

"Okay, no problem," Rahim flashed a grateful smile, before exiting the room. Cue me to give him a thumbs up, as I pulled myself out of my single bed and tided up my green covers.

My room in the Tower was a lot different than the one I had at home and it was one of many aspects I remember having to get used to, when I first joined. The walls were a creamy white and the floor was a tawny brown. I also had a white desk and chair, which were accompanied by a shelf of drawers sitting on the left side of my room next to a black television set housing a PlayStation 4 console and four controllers for myself and my siblings. Speaking of which, I wonder how they're doing? A single window stood proudly next to the right side of my bed, which allowed me to get a decent look at the Slums outside.

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