for a walk

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At the same night....

Team sitting Del' s room bed and looking at Del who taking some cloths from her cupboard...

Team:. I will sleep on the floor's okay...

Del: No it's fine..I will sleep with my's a double bed...

Team: am I disturbing you now right??

Del: What are you talking about?? You don't know how much I am happy ,my whole home happy when you are here...

Team: except your brother..Did you see his face..?? Look like a redden tomato by anger...

Del: he is like that all the time..I told you...But he is Friendly too sometimes..

Team: Yeah you told me but I didn't expect this much..he is such a rude and arrogant like a bulldozer face and h..

Team immediately stops by the scene and swolled his saliva..Del looked at Team confusingly and looked at the door then shocked too..Win is looking at them both with the same cold face..

Del: what is it P'win??.

Win looked at her face and gave her a box...

Del: what is it??

Win: What you are asking to me these days??

Del: oh you brought it?? Thank you.....

Win looked at her face and try to walk to his room..

Del: Phi wait...

Win stops and turn around at her ..

Win: What??

Del: This is Team...I told you many times...

Win looked at Team who sitting at the bed with a light smile...

Win: I thought he will be a person like you but I understand it's not ..

Team shocked and felt angry too when he heard that at sudden..

Team: what do you mean by that??

Win: talkative...

Team: Isn't that good..??

Win: Good for you but not good for the other else who hearing non stop annoying talking ....I wonder how my sister survive these 2 months with you...

Team looked at his face with a pouting face and try to say something but before that win walks to his room with the same cold face...Del looked at Team who looking at down with still pouting face...Suddenly Team heard a giggling sound of Del so he looked at her face she immediately stop laughing and cover his mouth with her dress...

Team: I shouldn't be here...It's a place for insane people like your brother... I'm Going...Now!!!

Del : But there is no train available at this time..

Team: WHAT??

Del: The next train will be only on next week..

Team: Oh my God..Then why don't you tell me this early???

Del: I'm sorry....

Team looked at her face who still smiling at him...

Team: It's not funny..I hate your brother's attitude..

Del: I told you he is like that...

Team: Is this the same way he behaving with everyone else ??

Del: No.....only to strangers but he hates Unnecessary talks..

𝑴𝒚 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝑰𝒔 𝑨𝒏 𝑶𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒏✓Where stories live. Discover now