Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up in the comfort of the bed, Thaddeus' warm body missing next to me. I felt the need to be with him, to touch him. I sighed, getting out of the bed, trying to remember how I got there in the first place, since I had tried so hard not to lose consciousness.

I went to the mirror and saw a white etched in tattoo that was a large wolf howling at the moon. I smiled at it and traced it with my finger. I took a quick shower, put on a blue dress that ended mid-thigh and had white flowers along it with a long white cardigan that was just about the same length. Not ready to tell everyone about my mark, I placed my hair above it covering it. I did my makeup and slipped on some cute white shoes that I laced up, so basically, actually putting effort in my outfit. I walked down to Thaddeus' office; I could smell him strongly there. Deciding to see if he was free so I could yell at him for not waking me up with him, I heard him scream.

"I can't believe this! He escaped! How could this even have happened...Victor! Out of all of the prisoners!"

I heard a loud crash on the other side and on instinct, turned the handle opening the door to check on him. He visually relaxed when our eyes made contact. His scent seemed to be stronger, probably because of the mark. I walked over to him. He was wearing a white wife beater, which showed off his strong muscular arms. I pulled up a chair opposite him and sat down on it, just looking at him. He leaned in towards me and I gladly accepted it. Kissing him softly and sweetly as his muscles flexed as he slowly placed his hand on my cheek, while I placed mine on the curve of his neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly when we parted. Thaddeus sighed and shook his head.

"No," he spoke, his voice raspy.

"What's wrong?" I asked, even though I already knew what had happened, but I knew that he didn't want to tell me, but he needed to.

Thaddeus let out a low growl and I looked at him confused. He placed my hair behind my shoulder and smiled contentedly when the mark showed. I took my time to admire his; it was the same as mine but in black.

"A-A prisoner has escaped," he got out.

"Who?" I pushed further. He growled, his muscles flexing.

"None of your business," he spat at me taking me by surprise.

"Hell yeah, this is my business," I retorted. He glared at me almost breaking my heart.

"Scarlett, you don't want to get me angry," he said almost as if he was speaking to a prisoner. A slight frown furrowed on my face when I heard him say my name instead of his affectionate nickname that he frequently used for me.

"But I should kno-" I started getting angry as my stubborn self continued to push.

"Scarlett, I said stop," he growled loudly slamming his fists on the table, "You don't know anything."

And that's when I snapped.

"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?" I yelled. He almost winced at the tone in my voice.

"And who's fault is that Thaddeus? Who's the one who has been keeping me in the dark? Who's the one who has been creating sections and KILLING innocent children and people who 'don't belong'?" I continued placing finger air quotes around don't belong.

"Do you know Victor has your mother in a prison cell!" I yelled, his head snapped up, looking at me with a serious look in his eyes. I walked behind him and opened an old trunk in which Cody had placed the leather jacket that she had given me.

"Here, take it," I said throwing it at him, the stench of blood reeked from the jacket.

Thaddeus looked at me, his eyes stone cold, before he gritted out, "How long have you known?"

I didn't reply and let silence answer his question. Thaddeus, who didn't seem to want this to happen angrily got up and pushed me against the wall.

"How long?"

"Since he kidnapped me," I spoke with a slight shiver in my voice.

"And now he has freaking escaped and you wouldn't even tell me that," I spoke pushing him off me. Thaddeus grunted, and ran a hand through his hair. I shook in my position, unsure of what to do.

"Dammit!" he shouted, slamming his hands on the desk.

"Ten years, Scarlett, ten years and he knows that I hate him for treating her like that and I let the one man who held my mother captive escape. AND YOU KNEW! Why the hell didn't you show me this fucking jacket when you got here?"

"I'm so sorr-"

"I don't want your pity," he spat back.

"I don't want to be your mate but you don't see me backing down now do you?"

He growled looking at me his eyes pitch black.

"Never speak of leaving me."

"Oh, I won't speak of it anymore. Maybe I actually will leave, and I was wearing that jacket when I got here! Cody took it from me and informed me that he put it in the trunk. HOW IS THAT EVEN MY FAULT? I'm done."

Before I could walk out Thaddeus pushed me back against a wall, wiping the tears that slipped out.

"Never speak of leaving me."

I pushed him away blinded by my anger. When he didn't move, I kicked him, several times. He didn't even budge.

"Listen, you better get rid of this stupid system you have with the untouchables. I swear, Thaddeus, if I hear of it ever again..." I trailed off not sure what to say.

"I will never support the tyranny you hold on this pack. Everyone is scared of you AND me because of what you are."

He loosened his grip and I took this as my chance to get away from him.

"I'm done. I'm done with whatever this is," I said motioning to the two of us, tears starting to stream down my face. I knew that what I was doing was stupid, I needed him. His eyes slightly softened, but hardened. I walked to the door and Thaddeus' voice stopped me.

"Scarlett, I will not let you leave. I've spent my whole life keeping far away from the ones that I love in order to keep them safe but I will not allow you to leave me, ever. Scarlett, I love you."

I turned and looked at him, his hands slightly shaking waiting for my response. I kept my face blank, not letting him know the number of flips my heart did when he said those words.

"Scarlett," he sighed walking around the desk running his hand through his hair. "I haven't been honest with you, and I've honestly been an asshole," he started and sat on the edge of his desk.

"I will from now on be honest with you, but please, please give us a chance," he pleaded, his eyes had a slight look of despair in them.

"You'll talk to me before you make a decision?" I said quietly, Thaddeus easily nodded his head.

"And you'll address the untouchables?" I inquired looking up at him. No matter how many times I looked at his eyes, they caused my wolf to melt. I barely noticed his nod.

"I-I need to think," I stuttered out.

He growled slightly, "Scarlett, I can't wait forever you know," as his signature smirk spread across his lips.

"For me, if you really love me, you can," I huffed out. He came up to me giving me a hug,


I walked out of his office and sat in the kitchen and put my head between my legs. I had given him so many chances. And I wasn't one to conform to those around me. But the worst part was that I knew I needed him.

"Just one more chance, and you better keep up your end of the deal because if you don't, I swear that I'll be so mad that your testicles will have been chopped off," I spoke as he entered the kitchen, my eyes shut. I felt his arms behind me as he wrapped them around me.

That's when I knew that we were actually meant to be paired together because once you're marked, the truth comes out.

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