Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I walked around, letting the sand sink in between my toes. My five-year-old self laughing as I was picked up by a boy, who I assume was James, spinning me around in a circle. Once he set me down, he grabbed my hand and ran towards the shore. I was thrown in by James, and James and Carter were running and splashing the water causing me too giggle. Soon, I was underwater, struggling to breathe not being able to find my way up. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them, hoping that I would be greeted with fresh air, instead, a young girl who seemed to be around my age with piercing icy blue eyes and light blonde hair that was almost a white color, easily lifted me up above the water. Once, I reached the surface, I coughed for air, my brothers swarming around me, everything was a haze, their words were incoherent to my ears as I looked down at my hand, and realized there was a feather sitting in the palm of my hand.


I woke up with a start, and checked my surroundings. I was in the living room where I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I shook my head trying to rid the dream that had felt so real. I've had many dreams where this young girl keeps reappearing. Some people would find it creepy, but the young girl seemed to comfort me in my dreams. I stood up and made my way upstairs, changing into a pink tank top and a pair of Under Armor black shorts, with some black sneakers with the plan to go for a run to clear my mind. I slipped on a vest and put my phone in one of the pockets and made my way jogging out to the forest. I kept running letting my thoughts evaporate, I made it to the waterfall and gently placed my hands in the water, running it through the ripples as they danced through my hands. I smiled, enjoying the feeling. I gradually got up and looked across the water; a girl with bright blonde and icy blue eyes was across the river. She was lying in a circle on the ground. I looked at her, worry swirling through my eyes. Wolves howled from the other side, it was an attack howl. I trusted my instincts, and quickly ran through the water, struggling to make it to the other side. Once I made it, I carefully picked her up. Struggling to get her across the river, I tossed her onto the side I came from and followed after. Once I turned around, a group of wolves had formed, all with red eyes.

I screamed.

Terrified of the creatures that were evilly smirking at me. I soon heard a growl from a wolf behind me; let me correct that, several wolves. Their eyes were trained on the red-eyed beasts as they made a protective circle around me and the girl. I helped the girl up and brought her back to the pack hospital, her eyes were closed, her face was stained with dirt and so were her hands. Cuts were visible along her arms. She had a flimsy white dress on that seemed to barely cover her body. I was able to bring her to the hospital quickly shouting orders. Once they took her, Thaddeus sprinted into the hospital, and once his eyes met mine, he ran towards me.

"Darling, never do that again," he said out of breath.

"Go for a run?"

"Without telling me," he interjected. I ignored him,

"What are they?" I asked talking about the red-eyed evil creatures.

"I-I don't know," Thaddeus stuttered, sighing and running his hand through his hair.

"Oh," was all I replied, letting a comfortable silence follow. Thaddeus took a whiff of the air.

"I smell a rogue," he growled out, walking towards where they had brought the girl.

"Thaddeus sto-"

His head snapped towards mine, as his eyes turned into their signature gold color.

"Scarlett, did you save a rogue? Risk your life for her?" he asked anger laced in his voice.

"I-I... maybe?" I said with a small sheepish smile. He was about to say something but was cut off.

"Luna, the girl is awake." I nodded my head and swiftly walked around Thaddeus ignoring his death glare. I followed the nurse into the room, and looked at her waiting for her to explain.

"She was in bad shape; she has two huge cuts that go along her back that we stitched up."

I nodded, and looked at the girl. She seemed to be about my age, maybe a bit younger. Once the nurse left, the girl's eyes snapped open. I looked at her, startled seeming to be intimidated by her. Even being a girl, I could tell that every guy must be falling at her feet. Her platinum blonde hair shaped her face bringing out her icy blue eyes.

"Hi," I said quietly offering a small smile.

"Where am I?" the girl asked, after blinking her eyes several times.

"Pack hospital," I simply replied, pulling up a chair next to her bed. She nodded slightly.

"I'm Scarlett," I said breaking the awkward silence that had settled.

"Rosaline," she replied, fiddling with her fingers. "Did you save me?" she asked looking up at me. I nodded.

"What were they doing to you?" I asked changing the topic, not wanting her to feel guilty.

She was about to reply but was cut off with the door whipping open, revealing a very angry Thaddeus.

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