Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Rogue," Thaddeus spat harshly at the girl who was lying on the bed. "Get off my land." A strong growl emitted itself from deep in his chest. Her eyes grew wide and looked over at me; her blue eyes filled with fear.

"Thaddeus," I spoke and made my way towards him. He didn't take his eyes off the girl who was sitting in the bed and stood there watching her intensely. Once I touched his shoulder, his head snapped to me and he instantly relaxed but his emotionless face remained constant. I slipped my hand in his and walked towards the door. He unwillingly followed me out. Once we were out of the room, I called Cody and April over to watch over her, knowing that Thaddeus was skeptical of her. They agreed as we walked down the hallway, Thaddeus' hands in mine. Once we reached the exit, Thaddeus spoke up.

"I will not leave until she's gone," he spoke out gruffly. I childishly rolled my eyes at him, knowing that as an Alpha, he has important protocols to follow, but one could see, just by her actions that she was hurt.

"I really hope your stupidity isn't contagious, can't you see Thaddeus? She's hurt! She flinches every time someone speaks and she has two huge cuts along her back, something happened to her Thaddeus." I reasoned with him.

"Scarlett, if she hurts you or if something happens to you, I will never forgive myself."

I gave him a small smile.

"Thaddeus, I understand you're worried, that's what Alphas do; they want the best for their pack. But she's hurt, we can't send her back there, she's practically a child, Thaddeus. A child." I opened the door and shivered slightly as a gust of wind blew. Thaddeus saw this and stepped next to me placing his warm jacket on my shoulders. He wrapped his hand against mine and brought me to his hard chest inhaling my scent and sneaking his other arm around my waist. 

We stood there for a little bit, not bothering to move. Just letting our wolves relax with the amount of arguing we had been doing. I trailed my arm along Thaddeus' muscular arm and he shivered at the touch. I let a small smile spread on my face; his reaction to my touch was something that made me smile. It was probably the most sentimental moment we've ever had. 

That was until a growl was heard. Thaddeus stood in front of me, in a protective stance. Victor stood there. 

"Get off my land," Thaddeus growled out, glaring daggers at Victor. Not daring to move away from me. 

Victor's face remained emotionless. 

"Give me back the girl," he spoke rudely. Thaddeus growled, triggering many of our pack members to growl and surround Victor. They were about to attack when Thaddeus said something none of us were expecting. 

"Stop," he growled out. Every wolf froze and my eyes grew wide at his action. 

"Growing a heart brother? That's not safe," Victor spoke with a smirk. Thaddeus looked at him and smirked back. 

"Victor, I just want to make sure I'm the one to beat your ass, so if I were you and I wanted to live, I'd run like hell."

And with that, Victor's eyes grew wide as he sprinted off the land like the coward he is. I looked back at the girl, her eyes had shut again, but I could hear her heartbeat pounding. I couldn't help but wonder what he had done to her or what made her so special.


"So here's your room," I spoke to Rosaline showing her around the house. She smiled gratefully and entered the room, whispering a small thank you before closing the door. She seemed to be very shy but I hoped that she would soon open up to all of us and tell us what happened to her. I sighed and walked back to my room to see Thaddeus on the phone with someone, with his back to me. 

The phone was slowly starting to become crushed in his hand. I cringed and quickly ran to him, putting my hands on his tense shoulders, seeming to relax him instantly. He turned and his eyes met mine. He seemed agitated so I snatched the phone from him and threw it out the window. He growled, scaring me before I gave him a guilty smile. His eyes remained emotionless as he stormed past me. I quickly grabbed his hand and he flinched. I looked at his hand, which had small glass shards in it from the phone he was crushing.

"Thaddeus, sit," I commanded. Noticing this, he growled at me.

"I'm not a dog," he ground out but obliged as I went and got a damp cloth.

"Well, you're hurt so sit the fuck down," I growled out at him, forcing his legs to collapse on the bed, placing him in a seated position.

He gave a slight shake of the head, probably still annoyed with me but I ignored that and sat next to him on the bed and placed the damp cloth on the cuts. He slightly growled and tightened his other hand into a fist and gritting his teeth. I wrapped an ace bandage around his hand.

"There, now you look badass," I piped up. I saw a small smile start to tug at his lips. I smiled brighter.

"Haven't I always been badass?" he almost whispered to me.

"Oh... Um, yeah! Of course," I said while chuckling, nervously.

"Is that sass?"

"What? Me? Sassy? NEVER!"

"Oh, my god."

He got up and continued his earlier path, opening a drawer violently and picking up a new phone, before slamming it shut and dialing a number.

"I have a phone call to finish."

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